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Case No. 62-92 �continued) <br />ea �ell. Thus, the qu+estian <br />the deve lopcnent of a shopping <br />Avenue to County Ftoad C-2. <br />is o�te of vhether o� not we desire <br />center aerip in the area fram Lydia <br />5. With respect to the traffic congestior� at Lydia Avenue and Snelling <br />Avenue, ther� ie no queation but what th� development of g retail <br />businese facility i�vo�ving 47 parking sgace� Would caneide�ably <br />increae� th� tra£fic vo2ume ar�d can�e�tion �t this point. Such <br />con��$tion irreepecCive of its vo�.u�s �t the f.ntersect�.�r. oF � <br />major collector stseet and a etat� highway is not an unsolwable <br />problem in it�elE buC, it� fect on conti�uou� d�ve2o�ment ehould <br />begr ,,,prim_ e�_conaid��ra�tion, You will, nate on tlie sketch plan and fr� <br />the picrures taken at the aite that there aie e�cisting aingle family <br />homea both north �nd d�.rcctly cas� oi th� p;:r��ri:y �.a� q�searior�o <br />There ie little qu�stion but what th� develops�erat of the retail <br />c�znter �t ttxs corne� in qupstion would have consid�rable effect upon <br />rhe value of these contiguous singl� ��mily i�omes. <br />6. Ae you know, the ein�l.e most �!mpor�c�uc �,d �u���...� crit�ri� deu�lopin� <br />not only Che overall d�v��lo�ment plax� £or Ros�vill� but other <br />caamauni t ie� as e�e i 1�a ,�ncoura$e��n't through land us� aand �oning <br />controls but nucle�t�d shopping c�nt�r ac�ct c�aercial activiC�es �nd <br />indu�ti�tal dev�lop�a�n� �itil�in the c�muf��:�y. �hat i.s to smy, for <br />� principally si.ngle family residential �uburbarr commun�ty the <br />policy of �roup�d r�tail �cCiviCi�s in org�ni��d cet����� and co�acentr�tion <br />o� indust�ial d�delop�ent in major �reas ia most import�nt Co the well <br />baing and potentinl v�lue af thc� aimgle family resid�nti�l n�ighborhoocis <br />and i�divid�al t�o�n�a wfthin those �eighborhood�p <br />