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� <br />�ar. r ar�d m�t�ars� o� the Git Co � <br />'�Y� y unci 1 s <br />Z u Dr. Rc�bert L. Jackson. I re�ide at 23q5 W. Count� R�oad C-2. I rise in <br />opposition tc� �he pr�posed re--�oning from R-1 to I-1 of the property requested <br />in tha peti�tio� baforo you eu7d the reco�aaendatiom oP �auch re-soni.n� by your <br />plant�in� cona�daesion. Ymu �ro our last hope short of legal act�on 3m the <br />�etxiat court to pre�*ent this ac�ion. You are the governing body. <br />We are fex in u3umber, b�t our cause is juet. Throughout the hearings of the <br />Fl�an�ing Comm���.on, the burdan vf proof has n�ot been on the g�titioner for <br />re--zoning the afo�rementioned property, it hae been on the citizen� of the are�a <br />to sho� aaus� w�r auch ra-zo�.ng ahou�.d b� rejected« �e hava accepted this tagk <br />graoiou�ly although in our heaz•ts xe 1� that this shotil.d not be our resp.. <br />ons�.bility. l�te haii�tee ziar,s so at heavy ex�ense in terms of time, preparation and <br />financial aQnsiderations. The fact that tha burdeu of proof has been on <br />propei''t�r propert� oRners of the area is illustrated by the fact that more than <br />3f � of iha t3me dev�oted to �he pla.rming co�ni.ssion� s hearinga on this matter has <br />been in eta�ing our case. <br />�lfter th� fir$t laearir�, the com�ission postpor�d action pending th� <br />' de�e3.opment of a comprotaise p�.an by the 3dinn�sota �'ransfer Railway and the con- <br />cerned citi��ns. A m��ting�nras subsequently t�eld between thesc parties, their <br />. , : legal repr�sentatives and the planning consultant. The result of the meeting �ras <br />un�atisfacto�g ta the citizenrs group. it v�ras tantamount to a restat�s�errt of the <br />, original r�quest and r�he s�ggestions of th� citizans �rere largely ignored nr <br />�:,. <br />p���sd off �.s unreasonable� At the last hearing, ths c�se �as again presented for <br />� the �action of R-�. un��i�r question. The plar�ing eommiss�.an xas <br />gra�3.ou� ar�d gatient �rYrI.le � pZ�aded our case� Qnly one thing rras lacking; the3r <br />� w�ere aot 1,$�t�ning, t*eally �.�.stening. IInquestionably, �mbers of the co�i.ssion <br />� for s�me reasun had rsached an �*a priori." decision on the matt�r. Thia <br />� r.�nclusion �as ob�3.ous to the �st naive observer present, A decision agaa.nst our <br />�'� r�ques� had been reac�d �efors ths �'act." In the discnasion of the co�mi.ssion <br />�:' <br />L ` follatrin.g the hear.�.ng* not a single member of the co�ission voiced at single point <br />:r <br />v, <br />" �� �in .suPPor� of o�c aggumen�, Tl°iis seems s �range irideed, <br />�`�" 7 -- � � - - <br />, <br />