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� <br />C�s a� �t aalc. "�n� r+��.1..1,� hu's�a ar�r p��nte i� y�'a�ar"?* teni.l+�s�r, t�ttx*e i! <br />s s�r� � d���: stat�n� r.�zr c�� .r�+ch ��rqeF�a���ed at tt� tir�t ta��ris�. <br />? b�e� ;� t�a► a.�rer thsaa Queatia�s tor ����i�s: <br />Is it a�33d �i�t ��.t �ch t�-a�on�.n� x�31, in ��'f�ect, �a�let�l� i�olat,� <br />ti�s r�rsi c�uta af #�! � ar�� �' �� wi l I!� b�r� cxied i� { r�dcts tr� o n th e r�h aaci <br />sa�t�, �tld txo �'a�:►r ls�� hi gh��►� on �he e� �nd �st. <br />Is� it ��ralie! palat thgE eruch r�-s�n�.r.� aattan ��11 brir� rai.lro,sd! s� �a crur <br />batak daar� ac�d th��. �uch a eonrLE tlo� i� hard2�� c��tib�.s w�ith reeideat3 a� �rd�T <br />�a it a! goini th�t tha perdi�r�riion to ch�nga the sre�► ta induat�t�ia1 �r�.11 <br />r�,ioe #.he rasals rr�,lua of the +�rrercrtly d�velapod r+�sid+anti�.1. ��par��r ���ra <br />r�en � 2udra� irnreated hee�vily in aur prop�rt� �i that mia.h �f it haa t�en bnilt <br />b� t�ra s�nes�t, b1Qod and teara of the re�iderrte� <br />�a �t a walid poini� ti�at i�reee iiome� *ara purc?�eed � ao� taith in the <br />coi�pre�sn�ive soaimg �►l�a e�t�bli�hed by th+.� ci�* itt 1Q59? Wo�].d t1�ae ha►sas <br />�e b�� pur�ahoaed or built by tt3e reaiderits if eucsh xra� no� the caae? � <br />�nt is oftaa �ds that �ro mns� carasider the changing aharacter af tho property'j <br />1�ho fe r�aepa�rmri.ble for the re:�is�'lon of �oning ordinar�a�s �rhich Ma�e ta be <br />, <br />�strab2l�hed betore suah ct�e.n�ge� car� o�cmri' <br />I�s it s va1 i�l pait�t that s�� ch a develap�ent uiZl brf r� he�avy truck t�af'�'ic to <br />Ct►wxty� ��aci C-2 and that suah traffi�c� �ill present a severe satety hasard tor the <br />�ru�g ahll�rba o! the area �rho mnst Xalk d�nn that road aad aroea a four�- lar� <br />�ighar�� at the� tiae� of da�r #.o oatch a aczhooi bna? Ia a co�carn far <br />tht� aafaty oP and rrall.�ein� of our children valid? <br />Is it a ra13d paint that our taacea have b�en h+ea�, that these have baen paid <br />on tim�► and 'rith�ut aomplaint ar�d that w�e de;aani that protection �rhich �h t,a�reQ <br />_�, <br />'' sh��a�ld bring be accorded us egainet intr�.nge�aa�t� �uah as those deacribed a'bov�d? <br />�� <br />�.,: ...� . . <br />,,�� <br />r���� <br />` � : <br />��� � <br />�� :' I� it a va3.i.d point tha�t the re-roning of �h�at eection of high�ay 8 if <br />Ie it a�a1id poirrt that the plsx�rring consul�tant presant.ed a strong case far the <br />establls�nt o� a bnffer sone b+atween the ri�sidential area and tho industrial. <br />a�aa �t our fir�t hear3.�, an d tha� euch a t��f�'er �gk�t �+eZl. be cam}�atible <br />mo�.tipl�e ct�el]3.n�s such as tanra ha4xsea? <br />