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2381 Highway 36 W
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� � �r � <br />s • <br />�11 that p�rt of th� NS� of th� S�} of �ec. 8! T.29, R.�3, l���g <br />SS of the S� line af right of way acquired by �t. Cr�ix i°'a��.s <br />Ninne�ota Improv��+�rxt Co�pa�y ex��p� th�.t pa�t t4�ereof �yica� in �ti�r <br />1�. 189 �'e�t oi �aid NS� o� S'�� and excop� that part th�reof lyin� �1y <br />r�f a line described �s follo�s : IIeginz�ing at tt�e intersection of the <br />N. lin� of right of wa}► �f Trunk Highway No. 36, and the ce�terli�e �f <br />St. Croix 3tree�; thetace running NIy on ��id centerline, 140.1 fe�t; <br />thence �iefleGting 1� deg. 4A' l�ft on said ��nterl�ins, 310.95 feet; <br />thenc� de€lecting 40 deg. 00' le�t, �U �eet; tt�ence N�ly 291.� feet� <br />�aure sar le�B to point si�.stant 322.31 �eet from the N. line af s�id <br />NS� of ��� measur.ed on said S�ly line; �nd exeept part thereof lying <br />�, of a S1� ext��sion of said centerline of St. Croix Str�et. <br />The ST. �ATJL A�3'TRACT AND TI TI.E GUARAN'1'ES COidPANY daes hereby c�ert if y <br />that fra�n an examina�ior� o� the ��c:ords in the off ice of the Re�istea� <br />of D�eds and/or Re gis�rar of Titles, in and for the Caunty of Ramaey <br />and State of Minnesota, it appe�rs that th� appa�ent owner or own�rs <br />of the pr4p�erty within a radius of 250 f�et of th� above prope�t� <br />which is as follows : <br />1. That part r�f fihe SW� of Sec. �3, To �9 N. , R. 23 i4'. , lying Way �nd <br />1�11W1y and adj�cent to �the Wly lin� of The &Iinnesot� Trans�er Railway <br />Company' e right of rv�ay ancl baunded on th� W. �by the E. ]�ine of <br />�ialnut Street, and boundes� on th� N. by the S. :line of Gnunty Road <br />"B'" 2, containing approximately 14.Z8 acr�s. <br />Apparent record owner: St. Paul Terminal Warehouse Company (M�lnnes�ota <br />corporat ion) r„ � ` :� <br />L,� � J _ ,;_ % <br />2. All tt�at part of th� NE� of th� SW{ of S�c. 8, T. 29 N. , R. 23 W. , <br />described as follows: Commencing at the interse�tion of the N. line of <br />State Trunk Hi�hway #3�6 and c�nter line of St. Cro�x Street; thence <br />• Nly on said center line 140.1 feetj thenca deflect 17 deg. 44' left <br />on said centerline 310.95 �eet fox point of ��ginniang; thence def lect <br />143 de�. O8' rigt�t 50.0 feet; thenc� deflect 34 deg. 04° le�it 419.81 <br />f�et to a goi�t on a lin� which is 297.0 feet `Y. oi and parallel with <br />the E. line af said NT� distant 40�.�8 feet N. �f the N. line of State <br />�`runk Highway #36; �hen�ce Nly on said line 612. �3 fee� to a�oint �n <br />� the N. iino of said NE�; thence �yly orn said N. line ?5.0 feet; thence <br />SWly 692.65 ieet to point of beginni�ng; and all that part of the N�� <br />of the S�Y� o� Sec. �, T. 29 N. , R. 23 W. , d�scribed as follows : Com�n�nc- <br />ing �t the int�rsectio� of the N. line of St ate Trunk Highway #36 <br />: and c�nter line of St. Croix Str�et; thence Nly on said centex 13ne <br />140.1 feet; thence def iect 1? deg, 44' lef ��n saici centex line 310. J5 <br />feet for point of beginning, thence deflect 4n de�. 00' left 50.0 <br />feet; thence def lect 42 deg. 5?' right 290.58 feet to a poini on th� <br />SEly line oi the S�. Croix Falls Improvement Company xight of way; <br />th�nce NEly on said SEly line 322.31 feet to the �1. line of sa�d NE�, <br />� thence Tly o� said N. line 333.72 feet `tn a point which is 372.0 feet <br />' W, of the NE corn�r thereof ; thence SWly 692.65 feet to �oint of <br />beginning. � � i , <br />,- , � � �' _ , <br />:�� , , . <br />�'' Annarent re�ord owner: Carl H. Pet�r�on Co. (Minnesota corporation)� <br />` 3. kIl �I�ai, part �� th� RTE� oi the SW� of Sec. 8, T. 29 N. , R. 23 ZY. , <br />",' lyi�g SEIy of tl�e St. Croix F:�lls Minnesota Improvement Company right <br />� of way, except the E. 297 feet thereof and exce t that part thereof <br />1 ing in the W. 189 fset �f said NE� oi sa�d SW� and except that part <br />Y <br />�: described as follows;, Cammencir�g at the intersection of the N. IinE <br />` of S.T.H. #36 & the centerline of St. Croix Street; thence Nly on said <br />center line 140. 1 feet; ther�ce def lect I7 dege 44' lef t on said center- <br />line 310.95 feet for pQint of begiming; thence c�ef lect 40 deg. 00' <br />�' le�t 50 �e�et; thence def lect 42 deg. 57' right 290. 58 feet to a point <br />on the SEly line of the St. Croix Falls Minnesota Improvememt Company <br />(over) <br />
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