r ight caf aay; tl�e�ce �ISly a� sa id SSly 1 ine 322. 31 f�e � tc� ��e dV v
<br />lia� of said NE�; thence Ely �n said N. line 408.7� fe��t to a��nt
<br />�►hich is 29? feet ;Q. �f tlhe c,ent�r of said �QG. 8; t�ence S, g�ar�Alel
<br />�rith the S. line of said 51�� of said Sec. 8, �12+33 ��et; thence�
<br />def �ect 91 d�g. 11' right 413.81 feet; th�nc� def lect 34 d��. �4'
<br />right 54 f�et to th� point of beginniag, �,nd �xcept th�t ���t,
<br />described �s foll��vs: A��. that part o� the N�� of the 5�1� of �e�. ��
<br />T.29, R.23, lyiag SS of the SE line of right c�f way acq�ir�d ��r St.
<br />Croix F�lls �9innes�ota Improvement Company, exce�t that part ther�of
<br />lying in the N. 1819 �eet of s�id N�� of SW� and �x�ept �hat �art therea€
<br />lyit�g Sly of a linie described a�s follows ; B��innir�g at the i�tea°�ection
<br />ci the N, aine of r�ight of way of Trunk Highway No� 36, �nd th� center-
<br />line of 3t. Croix Stree�; th�nce ruiining N�y on ��id cezaterline 14�.1
<br />feet; tt�ence def le�ctivg 1? deg. 44' left on �ai�d centerline 310, 95
<br />feet; th�nce defl�cting �40 deg. 00' l�ft, 50 fe�t; then�e N�VIy� �92.8
<br />f�et more ar l�ess to poinL �istant 322.31 feet �r�m th� P1. lin� �f s�id
<br />NS� of S�V� measured on said SEly line; and except p��t th�r��� Iying
<br />�. of a Sly �xten�ion of said centerline of 5t. C��ix Str�et. -
<br />, �, � , ,.
<br />� _:,. � �.��'..,
<br />;
<br />Apparent r�cord ownars: Clare�ce J, Coult�r & E�ther N. Coulter, hi�
<br />wife, joint temancy claus�.
<br />4. That part of the E� of the '�� of SW� of Se�. 8, T, �9, R. 23� I��:mg�
<br />E. of the W. 268,5 feet thereof; 8a part of th� �Y. 189 f�eet o� tt�e NE�
<br />of SW� of said 3�c. �, bath of said �tracts lying Sly of �the lanci
<br />c�onveysd to the St. Croix �a11s l�iane�ota Im�provem�ent Com�any i.n
<br />"4@9" Deeds ?�3; lying lying l�ly of the land acquired b�y the �tat+� c�f
<br />M�nn�sot�.for highway purposes.
<br />/� � � i a, . I , ` r _ �, .
<br />Apparent record own�rs: K. W�lliam �eeber and Sophie W�eber, h�sband
<br />and wife� joint tenancy clause.
<br />5. 7�he 5ti foot St. Croix Falls �innesota Improvement CoMpany right
<br />�ui way through the S�V� of Sec . 8, '�. 29 y R. 23.
<br />\-,�,��+' i..,� l• �I''� ,�, f���, Jf �� , i,.ti.-.
<br />A�parent recarci owner: N�rthern States Fower Company.
<br />6. The 100 foot �dinnesota Belt Line $ailway Ftight of way throu�h the
<br />�W� of Sec. 8, T.29, R.23. ,
<br />� � l'� '"�/ � r , , , � �,,; r. . ,.. . �
<br />Apparent record owner: �innesata Transfer Railway Company-:
<br />Idote : Th� pra�erty South of �tate Trunk Highway #36 not �eported. �
<br />Taxes and Judgments not ex�.n�ined.
<br />�►itness the s3.gnatur� of an authorized offic�r of the said
<br />Compar�y and its corporate seal this 17th day of March, 1965 at 8 otclock
<br />A, M.
<br />,,�
<br />; ,
<br />, � ,
<br />BY : ' ��,r.�.,.. .� .,�;�.2.
<br />rizea signature
<br />For : Oppenheimer, Hodgson, Brow°n, Wolff 8c Leech
<br />W. 198I lst National Bank
<br />