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Cas � No 0 61-30 <br />Petiri.aner: <br />Loca�ion: <br />� Actian Request.ed: <br />� <br />Cen�ury F'ence Coml�any <br />�ee �lcetch <br />,]ianu��ry 3, 1962 <br />Approva�. ot variance i.n �he ":; -1" Dis�rict to erect <br />a peti�ion to �n e:�istin�� <br />P�.�nning Consi.derations <br />1 � l�ou. wi7.1 r.ecall from previ.oua meeti�zgs i:hat• t:�e Century Fence <br />Cc�mpany pxo�osea to con�Lruct a bui7.ain� som�� 15 ° by 40' on tihe <br />wes terly :� i_de o f the i.r exis ��.ng s tr. uc tur� . '� � is bui.7.din� would <br />Ue 5' �ron th� �ves C pzoperty l�.ne o The Ordiz� �nce require� a side <br />yard set-b�ack of 20' nnd tl�us a v.�.rtanc� is i�zvo�ved. <br />2, Thp question with respect to �hi.fl pxope?'�y i& not so much th� <br />�ra�riance l�roposacl bu�. th�t of the use ai a p�:�cel of land now used <br />�or industr.ial s�orage purpo�es btit zoned s�._n ;le f�mily resiclential1 <br />As requested, �he petiL-ioner has subm3.tterl a;.and survey Lndicatin� <br />i':he location of tY�e property and �h� �xi.sL-in£; build�,ng, This survey <br />�,►ill be avnilable At the Plannin� C�JI11II1�.S$�.011 :ilE0t3.PU and clearly <br />indicates �he rel�tionship betcoeeu �:he "unzon�d property" �o tlae <br />�adjacen� single famil.q Rrea,. <br />3o it was su�gested at pr�vious rneetings caiL-h th�� petitioner: that the <br />petitioner su�;gest what effc�rts Caould be mada L•o rectify L-h� e�:i�tin,s�, <br />situa�ion caherein the industrial storage is c�:.-rectl.y cont�.guous �o <br />a sin�le family residential lot� The survey �ndicaLes that the <br />petl.�io�e� inrends to pl.�nt poplar trees alon;; thP existing metal <br />�ence surroundin� the proper�y � The quc:s ti�n � s whether or not this <br />efEort �vi11 constitute � long range sol.ution '�-o the probl.em which is <br />basically onc of a non-conformin� use on sin;;l.e fam�.ly residential <br />pzopertyo <br />4o Fl.rstly, i:here is a question as to whether or �o� i`he industrial <br />�torage use o£ �his property d�es in fact coz�:,+.:itu�:e a legal non- <br />conforming use. That is to say dic� the inc�us �:rial use of this property <br />exist prior �n the lAnd bein� zoned residen�:i::��.I under 1:he original <br />Ramaey County Zonin� (?rdinance adapted i.n 194:'_ �. In any case� i� would <br />appear �hat before a variance is granted to construct an adclitional <br />Uuilding on �he property tha� some �ort of p���nanent solution should <br />be �aorked c�uC as conds.tions to �;ran�ing rhe v,�riance. That is to saye <br />that it would appear ?�easonable �:o worlc ou� 2��: this time not oniy a <br />reasonabl.� screenin� arrangement to accommoda;:e th� existing si.tus�ion <br />but also aouze agreement a� to L-he lengti� of �:_me that the residenti�Z <br />property may be continued to be used fox� induc.�ria1 purposeso The <br />zoning ordinance i:s. qu�tie specifi� in requirir�� 40' of screening along <br />the rear lot line and ir.duat�-i.�.1 4r.���s adjace�.t to �i�-.�;1.� famil.y <br />res idential zone� . S x��uireraent� ap�� i� ��o the � icie y�rd as no tnd <br />in page 43 of the Vi11ag� Co�le�. <br />