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� <br />, Case No , 61.-F30 (conL-inued) <br />5, Zt is su��ested that the petiL-ione7: be in£or�1 ��.d o.f. the zoning <br />requ3.rements as appl�.ed to hi� pro�?erty and t.��a� lie be encoura�ed <br />to cons�.der both an intEr.iff� and a 1�ng run�� solutiono The permanenL- <br />use of al�. the property �or indu3tr_ia1 purpos�s shauld no[. be <br />consider�d in-as-much as there is �_n exis ti_:��. s S.n�le fam�.ly house <br />con�iguous to �hr property on the �•�e��:„ <br />