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h1A�sK D. ST€N50N, Partner, Senior Executive Engineer. He has sixteen years <br />of experience in the clectric utility fiefd, �ncluding electric distribution construc- <br />tion and management, lon�-range power supply planning, economic analysis <br />and fi�ancin6 of fiydroetectric �rojects, and the marketing of hydroelectric <br />�c�wer. In add►tion, he has had fiae years o6 experience in milttary radio com- <br />rnunir�tions. He is a member of tk�e Institute of �lpctrical and Electr6nics <br />En�meers and the tiationa) Society of Professional �ngineers. <br />CECIL G. ACREE Supervising Sanitary a� � Mechanical EnPneer_ _H.P nas more <br />than 1t, �ears of v�ried experiense including participation in the preparation of <br />r���nrt� and d��4�gn tar �vater and sewage projQcts, mechanical fa�ilities for hydro- <br />c•ic�ctric �«��«t�, �ndustria{ �rojects and ste•am power plants. He is a member <br />c�f th<> Amc�cican S��ciety of Mechanical Engineers and the Nationa{ Society of <br />Professir�naf Engineers. <br />tiTl;rLkT .�1. ALCXA�DEk, Su{�ervisin�; C=ivil Engineer. He has had more than <br />r�fr�f�t����n yrar, c�f expe�r�encr �nclud±ng planning and design of dams and appur- <br />tf�nant struc�urr• tr�r hydr�,clectnc and irrigation �projects, studies and designs <br />r�,►,�te,�ri tu pu�+e'r ��lant uperat�c�ns ar�d ccntrol, compiQx campuier control system <br />t„� E,�,"e•r �,lar,t,, ��n�;mccr�ng c�t commercial buildings, and supervision of foun- <br />ci,�r,s,n and rn,�t��tldl� !ltbE'Sh�dll0(15 dflCi SOII-le5h(1� fOf CIdfTlS, bridges an� build- <br />in�;ti. i i«> �y 3 n,�>rnber ��f Ih� Bostc�n 4ociety of Civil Engineers and th� American <br />Sc�+c rt� u1 Civil En�;inc�ers. <br />AKtic)LD F A`DERSEti, Su��rv�s+ng Civit Engineer. Twenty years expenence <br />�ncludc�s fittec•n �eart in ci���l ar�c� structural des+gn of utilities, airport and harbor <br />►ac�litrc�., industnal plants and the pl�nnin�; and design of transportation systems. <br />f �ve v��ars in c�nctruction covered supervision, estimating, contract administra- <br />t�c�n and company mana��ment. Ficj is a member of the American Society of <br />Cn�l En;;�neers an� thr Amencan Concrete Institute. <br />y RO6ERT 601'4'Eh, Execut�ve Analyst. He has been associated with the utility <br />industry fc�r the past twenty-two years and has been with R. V4'. Beck and Asso- <br />c�atrs s�nce t�s9 specializin� �n finanung feasibility reports, financial analyses, <br />�a�r analys��s and studies, budgets, periudic surveys and �eports, and operating <br />practact;s and prcxecfures for utitit�es. His ad�litaoatal experience onclud� sut <br />yrars as an exam�ne� fc�r Yhe [�ivision of �lunicipal C:�rporatio�s under the cfir�t- <br />tiun of th� Wasl�mgton State Auditor conducting examinatians of munitipai <br />cnrporat�or�s, �nclud+ng publ�cly-own�d util�ty sysiems. <br />8 <br />RaYSE H. BRILL, Supervising Civil Engineer specializing in the design and <br />construction of hydroelectric projects. He has thirty-two years of experience, <br />incfuding five yea�s as project engineer for the Montana State Hi�hway Com- <br />mission, fourteen years in hydroelectric construction and operation with the <br />Montana Po�ver Company, and four years with consulting firms in responsible <br />charge of ciesign and inspection of construction on public works and utility <br />projects in Alaska. He is a member of the American Society of Civil �ngineers. <br />CARROLL L. BROWN, Supervising Structural Engineer. He has more than <br />twenty years of experience, including five yc3rs in planning and design of power <br />piant structures, eight years in planning, design and supervisi�n of construction <br />of heavy industrial installations, and three years i� design of structural frames and <br />foundations for commercial ,and public buildings. He is a member of the Ameri- <br />can Concreie Institute. <br />M. L. R. GIBBS, Priz�cipal Electrical Engineer, has nineteen years in super- <br />vision, planning, design and consultation in the electric utility industry and one <br />year in aircraft industry design. His experience includes the generation, transmis- <br />sion, substation and distribution phases of the electric utility industry. He is a <br />member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the National <br />Society of Professional Engineers. <br />V. S. GOSNELL, Principal Civil Engineer, Assistant to the Manager, Central <br />Region. His sixteen years experience inclucles design, planning, management, <br />coordination, construction and project engineering c,n transmission lines, sub- <br />stations, hydroelectric, irrigatic,n, tunnel, industrial, commercial and school <br />projects. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the <br />National Sociery of Professional Engineers. <br />GEORGE C. HAHN, Senior Engineer. He has been in chemical, industrial and <br />process engineering design and project management for t�venty-four years on <br />cherrtical research, power plants; benef�ciation plants and rnissile facilities. He is <br />a tnember of Sigma Xi, American Society of Chemical Engineers, Society of <br />American Nlilitary Engineers, and National Director of the National Society of <br />P�ofessiona) Engineers. <br />�:; <br />