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STUAR7 C. )OROAN, Supervising Elect�ical Engineer. His 17 years of ex- <br />perience in planning, operation and design of eleetric utility systems inelude <br />seven years as Chief Engineer and Manager with a New R�xico municipal <br />electric system. He has been with R. W. Beck and Associates since 1963 engaged <br />pri�cipally in long-range electric ucitity planning, power supply and rate studies. <br />JACOf3 LEVIN, Supervisinb Electrical Engineer. He has twenty-nine years of <br />exfrerience in the design of power generation, transmission and distribution <br />system� for ut�l�ties and industrial plants and coenmercial buildings, including <br />n�r�e years supervising the electrical design and construction of pulp and paper <br />m�ll�. He �� a mcmher of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engioeers. <br />RONALD 1. LUCHER, Senior E�ectrical Engineer. He has been with R. W. Beck <br />and /essac�ates smcc 1951. He s�ecializes in enbineering feasibility studies, sur- <br />.e�ys anci re��orts. H�s experience inctudes electric (oad, generation, transmission <br />and disPnbut�un st�dies, utility system analyses and development of short-range <br />and Ic�r��-range expansion plans, design of electric utility facilities, utility rate <br />stucf�c� concern�r�� reta�l and wholesale rates, power supply contracts, and utility <br />im-c�n�un and valuahon. He is a member of the Nationa) Society of Prof2ssional <br />CnRineers. <br />RICHARD C. IOfGREN, 1'nncipal Civil and Structural E�gineer, Supervisor <br />oi Dev�Ic,��R�en1 for the �'.'�stern Region. He has more than f�fteen years of <br />�•xpc r�ence �n nlannin.�, design and development work on hydroelectric and <br />ilci<�d control pro�ects and in �eneral civil and structura) engineering services <br />Cor public a�;encies and cansulting engineering firms. Ne has been with R. W. <br />E3eck and Associat�s sincc> 1957. Fie �s a m�mber of the American Society of Civil <br />En�;�nc�ers, the U. 5. Committee of the lnternational Commission on Lasge Dams <br />ar,c! �hc� Am��n�an Publec 1�ti'�rks Association. <br />GEGRGE S_ �'4t�RTIN, Supervising Civil Engineer. He has more tMan thirteen <br />years of experience, including the supervision of construction of airfields in <br />Alaska anc� resnonsible charge oi design and supervision of construction of <br />municipal water syssems, steam ciistribution systems, commercial buildings, coal- <br />ha�dling facilities a�id sQwer systems including projects in Arctic and perma- <br />frost areas. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the <br />National 5aciety of Professional Engineers. <br />Iu � <br />KENNETH P. MERRIMAN, Pnncipal Electncal Engi�ieer, Assistant to the Man- <br />ager, Wesl�ern Region. He has more than sixteen y�ars of experience, including <br />fouc years in design and s�pervisioR of construction nf industria.) electrical instal- <br />lations, five years in responsible charge of electrical design or, ihermal power <br />generating facilities, substations and distribution facilities, and sever� years in the <br />preparation of electric utility and industrial specifications, studies and reports. <br />He has been with R. rIV. Beck and Associates since 1955. He is a member af the <br />Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the National Society o� <br />Professional �ngineers. <br />W. A. MOREAU, Supervisor of Planning, Central Region. Joined the firm in <br />1964 following seven years experience in development of master plans for cities <br />and counties; develoFment of site pio�s and feasibility studies for industrial <br />parks, recreation areas, and airports. Former planning director for a Denver <br />metropolitan county and member of the Denver Inter-County Regional Planning -' - <br />Commission. Associate member, American Institute of Planners. <br />GEORGE W. NICHOLS, I'rincipal Analyst. He has more than twenty years of <br />experience in public utiiities and related fields, including comprehensive f,�ian- <br />cial planning, rr�anagement and administ�ative techniques, economic analysis, <br />rate studies and analysis and budget p�eparation. In addition, he has initiated <br />programs and performed studies for general economic development and the <br />related long-range fiscal planning. <br />WILLARD H. REUSS, Principal Electrical Engineer. He has been with the f�rm <br />since 1942 supervisin� the �1P;�elopment and establishment of operating proce- <br />dures and practices including management, financial, rates, stores, budgets and <br />budget control systems and consulting on operations, valuations, management <br />and design of all types of utilities for clients served from the Columbus Office. <br />His experience also includes eight years with the Wisconsin Public Service Com- <br />mission. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers <br />and the Professional Engineers of Nebraska. <br />FRED RUCKHAUS, Su�ervising Civil and Structural Engineer. He has more than <br />fifteen years of varied experience including overall responsibility for the design <br />and supervision of construction of commercial and industrial buildings, airports, <br />and water and sewer projects. He is a member of the Rmerican Society' of Civil <br />Engineers and the vational Society of Professional En�inee�s. <br />11 <br />..; <br />_ .. _ . :;< <br />