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LEON D. SPENCER, Supervising Civii Engineer. His experience includes three <br />years engineering design of Mobile Oil Co. shoreside and product-handling <br />facilities and twelve years �n the utility �eld, inc�uding system valuations, feasi- <br />bility stutfies, long-range planning, ir�surance evaluations and ana�yses of utility <br />ope�ations. He is a member of the American Society Qf Civil Engineers. <br />CLARENCE ). STEIERT, Suaervising Electrical Engineer. His experience includes <br />two years ot substation, power plant and transmission line design with R. W. <br />Beck and Associates and fourteen years with the Ge�eral Electric Company. He <br />�s a member o( the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the <br />National Society of Professi�nal EnginPPrs. <br />ROBERT G. TAYLOR, Supervising Eleccncal Engineer. His experience includes <br />three years in design and supervision of construction of transmission lines, sub- <br />st�tions and telephone plant and over s�x years in working with utilities in rate <br />studies, plant evaluation, project feasih:lity and financing and contract negotia- <br />tions. f-1e �s a member of the Institut� of Electrical and Electranics Engineers and <br />the National Society of Professiona� Engineers. <br />V. O M. TRAUDT, Supen�ising Electrical Engineer. His experience includes <br />four years as distribution system design engineer, eight years in direct charge of <br />utility design and construction of substations, transmission, overheaci and under- <br />�round clectr�cal network systems, cable testing, and budget preparation. He <br />is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronscs Engineers and the <br />National Sociezy of Professional Ensineers. <br />TALBOT WEGG, Principal Planner, Supervisor of Planning for the Western <br />Re�ion in charge of consulting services on planning, urban renewal and codes <br />for city, county and state agencies. He joined the firm in 1963 after five years <br />as Urb�n Re:�ewal Coordinator (or the City of Seattle and extensive previous <br />experience in community planning and housing programs and as an architect. <br />Nis experience alsc� includes responsibility for the Freparation of codes including <br />the pmsent h�usir�g, building, elevator and garage codes of the City of Seattle. <br />He was a found,er and first Executive Direct�r of the Puget Sound Regiona! <br />Rlanniv�g Coun,ci! and is a member nf the American Institute of Planners, a Re- <br />giona6 Direetor of the National Association of Housing Redevelopment Officals, <br />a Director of �`he Seattle Citizens Planning Counci) and a former Girector of the <br />Seattle f�Aapte►•. American Institute of Archit�cts. <br />12 <br />' - 1 r � �, - \.r -z � r s-= i :�l� a. .. �,� - �.... +� . i.:��d"� ° '.�kl9:g':"@ �,,1�, <br />- i .v} \\ .. .T:'���' ��" �' <br />— ^� � � � ' 71.. '�;; <br />� — R � :�,� a >,��� <br />- ' . .; � - .. �. . � <br />. . . . �� . ' � � e �'K�t. <br />� . .. . � � . . . . n;. <br />+ . .. . . • ��: <br />� . Spec�a� Cor�sulta�t� � <br />� � � <br />; <br />� Th� �irm has adopted the policy of utiiizin� the talents of nationally recognized engineers and scientists <br />as Special Co�sultants on specific works. Following is a list of Special Consult��,.s associated with the firm: <br />i <br />J. BARRY COOKE, formerly with Pacifoc Gas and Electric Company—Special <br />Consultant on hydroelectric projects, rock-fi11 dams ar�d tunnels. <br />DR. HOWARD A. COOIv1BS, Professor and Head of GeQl�gy Department, <br />University of Washington—Special Consulting Geologist. <br />DEWEY j. DeBOER, former Executive Manager of Nebraska Public Power <br />System; Chief Engineer, War Production Board; South East Asia Electric Power <br />Surveys for U. S. Agency for International Developr��ent--Special Consultant on <br />powe� supply planni�;o. <br />WARD W. HUSTED, formPr Manager of The Rocky Mountain Gas Company <br />and Northern Gas Company, Laramie, Wyoming—Special Consultant on natura! <br />gas utilities. <br />DR. EDWARD bV. KIMBARK, former Dean of the School of Engineering, <br />Seattle University—Special Consultant on problems relating to transmission <br />and distribution of electric power. <br />ADOLf A. MEYER, former Head ot Civil Engineering Design for the Tennes- <br />see Valley Authority—Special Consultant on investigations, design and con- <br />struction of large steam and hydroeiectric projects. <br />DR. JOHN ft. SCHULTZ, former Staff Geologist for Harza Engineering Com- <br />,r.any—Special Consulting Geologist. <br />DR. E. ROY TINNEY, Professar of Civil Engineering, Head of the R. L. AI- <br />brook Hydraulic Laboratory, Division of Industrial Research, Washington State <br />University and Director, State of Washington Water Research Center—Con- <br />sulting Hydraulic Engineer. <br />K. S. WINGFIELD, former Administrator of the Arizona Power Authority and <br />Chief of Ma�keting and Operations of the Power Division of the U. S. Depart- <br />ment of the Interior—Special Engineering and Utility Operations Consultant. <br />Syndi�ate P�rticipation <br />The firm participates, from time #o time, in syndicates for the joint processing <br />of architectural and engineering se�vices and is at present syndicated with <br />three other engineering firms �ander the name NIETROPOLiTAN ENGINEERS <br />to perform services on the $100-million sewer project of the Municipality of <br />Metropoiitan Seattle. : ' <br />`.,' <br />13 . i.J <br />. , <br />�. <br />� � � �� <br />_ s�x�'� <br />�. ,i; <br />` . ` } h S. <br />, .. . . . 4 _ ,. , � . � �. � , J-�''rV,^. <br />_ .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - , . . . . . c` '�: .. , �'. �'+� . ,'�tl�ic'x <br />