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� <br />;�tU'i'I(� t�F :�U�LIC !l�.�,s.ING <br />�U t�rrJM IT ,�AY CJ��,�t�i P <br />Notico fs horebX giver� tl►ut tho V�,llage �ou���l of tha Yill�g� �ff <br />R�a�rville, 27°O1 t�o�li L.erxing�on Avonue� �t� P�ul, Minnesota. r�ill <br />�eet r�t T:30 P�M:. , 1�nci�y, Uccec�or 7. 1964, at tl�a Vil laga ti�lt <br />to cor��ida�r rezoning or� tha �ollowin� cl�s�ribecl pr�party : <br />1��AL l�:�t;y�Il'TI t�V : <br />Th�t p�rt ot tho Nvrt��a�t quartor of tha Souti��ss�t Quar�er <br />of S�ctior► ,�1in� (y) , Taw�ship Twaraty�nine �(2J) � 1�ri,�e <br />Ttive�tty-thr�ee (23� uccorcling t� the UnitaJ �tmte5 Go�vernmant <br />surv�y th�reof c18s�ribod as follows; l���inninR �t a� point on <br />tiw North Lin� of 5tat� Trunk Ii�ghwc�y �36 �1�icli is f,ive hundrod <br />(SQUj foot tVest as mea�uracl along saicl �i�e £rom the int�rk� <br />section t�ore►uf �ri t}i tl�c� tVQst Iin� of tlia pub 1 ic �aighway cormnon ty <br />known �d referr�d tu as Fuirviow �venu� ; th�nce cant:inuing <br />��long ehe s:�fci N�rtl� l�ne af �$ic! Trunk lli�hw�y �3G a cii,stanca <br />ay� two hunsirec! f�if�y {250) feot to a�oint �h�rdon; LQ��enc� <br />Nort}� a�td at riglit ��gla� to s�3.�1 �Vorth of said Trunk <br />l�i�t�WaY N36 u�1istAnc� �i two hu�Jr�d fifty (2�Uj ��eet,; xhc�nce <br />at ri�ht �nglos Saut1� on a s�rnigl�t line a ci�.starace of threc <br />l�un�ire�i ff fty (:�5�0� faat ta the point af h�eginning w saicl trx�t <br />of l�cl contai.n�ng ZAO �cres more ar less�: to��tl�ar wirl�i tl�e <br />benefit of :uty eas�rue�n� o� r�coarc� affecting or a��purt�ti��ait to <br />�sid tra�t of l:�nct ancl subje�t to any �us�sn�nt t��p �a.�����n�s of <br />x��:fi;���... <br />�-�-----__.. � <br />��o�' , / <br />,.,,.._,.�,..._,!f� �,�--� ^-.r; �-�'�r—!�I <br />w�...-1%��X�.a�e ��i�ap,��er�; <br />