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� <br />'I'0 : <br />rROi�i : <br />SU�.TECT: <br />Villa�e Council <br />� <br />George �leml�rez, Secretary P lanning CQr.IInission <br />Pile 241-64 Gluek rezonin� request Fii�hway 36 west of <br />rairview for Colonial Furniture <br />Mr. �rt Gluek, �ir. Parranto and Mr. Dahlstrom wc�e present. <br />Tl�ey �rer�e all anxious t}iat a recor�mendat�.on b� made at the earliest <br />mement. Dir. Dahlstrom, presid�nt of Calonial Furniture, who pro- <br />poses to construct a very attractive furniture s�:or� at tllis lo�atiori <br />on a 2 acre piece of lancl owned by hi�, Gluek stated that his schedule <br />wa� somewhat tight. <br />�ir. '�►illiam �urtis, 1927 Gluek Lane, south of I-i�.gh�aay 36, requested <br />3a days to make a study oi tllis r�quest. Eie �aas opFased to a change <br />af zoning frorn B-1 to B-2 and 4aant�d a little time to consid�r the <br />de�zreciatin� factor of the residential properti�s to the sourh <br />dirccrly across ��e subj ec� property for rezoning is requested. <br />/litex considerable d.iscussion, the Plarining Commission by a u�animous <br />vote decid�d to liald the mattcr for a final rec;ommerzdation to tlie <br />n�xt regular m�eting, Uece�nber 2nd. To shorten the delay cae <br />pro�is�d the �etitioncr that we would reauest the Village Cou�icil to <br />h�ve their hearing on Uecembcr 7th. <br />cc-Artliur Cluek <br />Jaanes i�elson <br />NovemLer G, i9b4 <br />� <br />