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� e ♦ <br />� <br />_ _ .. _ .. _ _ _� <br />,.� .. , �, � — . . <br />l�lti l,bL�1VL �� , . ' F <br />U�`�L� Z` �Gc? C.iIS CO� Oa AuC�USt� ��JFJi�� Ut�'�A'�,'t:��l <br />iHE Iv;i����ESOTA iRANSFER RLI�.V't'�,�' CO�iPA�;y, � corpora�ion u�-��er t:�e <br />l�ws of t.e State of �;innesota, par�y of t'r,e ,i,•st p�rt, anc� jE,�vV:E i1/:, <br />HAI.PER, LLONARD i3ALPE,� a,�d �1'ZLLLA,��: LIPSCi-iLTLi�, parties of t"� s�c�rtd r <br />pact, <br />��'r�'��S�Elr , That tr.e said p;,: �y o„ t:�e iirs t pa; t, in consideraiir�n <br />of the sum of G�'E DOi,I,,1,� ($1. , pp) o„� otner �ood and valuatale consi�era- <br />tion tQ it in hana pa:d by t�e saic par4i�s oi the second part in equal shares, <br />the receipt wher�of is hereby a;,kncwfed;eci, d�es hereby Grant� B�rgain, <br />Sell and Convey unto the said parties of t'�e �E;cona part, their heirs and � <br />��sfgns, Forev�r, to each an undividPc� �nF.-�;��Y� �t /�� ���,....:: <br />�_. �-i : � u:i iClliyil�� <br />in c�mmon, al�. i:�e t: act or parc �l of iand lying and }a�in� in the County of <br />Ramsey �nd �tate of Mfnnesc�a, d�scribed as follows, to wit: <br />Ail that part oi the 1Vorth iialf (Iv i/2) of Sectic�n Five (S�, <br />'�Awnsi��ip Twer,ty-Nine �2�} �Tor�h, Range Twenty-�'hr�e (z3) <br />' V�'est, tying wfthin the following des�rik�ed lines: <br />•- at a point o�l the i�orth lfne of said Sectian <br />Five (5} distant �hr�� hund�ed eighty-one a;�d forty-six hun- <br />ared�ns (381,46� fe�t E�st (assumed bear�ng) of the 1VortY�� <br />Quarter Corner of sal� Scctfor� Five (S), th�nce S�uth twenty- <br />raine (29) dec�rees, i�rty-nir�e (49) minutes, twenty-five (25� <br />seconds VJest along th�- Southeastcrl�,� righ;t-of-way of <br />rc�lGcat�c� T, H. 8-63 a�istanc� Qf �wo ht�raored eighty (�84� <br />fc�et �a the point of i�eyinning of thp parcel of land herein <br />describe�, thence South twenty-nitle (2g) degrees, for�y- <br />n=r�e (49) min�tes, t�v�r.ty five (25) seconds Vt.'est alony the <br />s�ici SoutheasterlY rignt-ot-way line a�ilstance of two hundred <br />sixteen and fi�.ie-t�n�ns (21n.,�) fe�t, t��ence South sixty (s01 <br />deqrees, ten (10) minutes, thirty--five (35) s�cands East a <br />distar,�e of twenty ei�ht ar�c; biv�-tenths (2$ , S) feet, tn�nce <br />So�th �weraty-nine (2�) deg;ees, forty-nine (�9) minuties <br />6we,�ty--iive (25) seconas �ti'est a aistance of or.e tn�usand <br />tv�enty tnree and forty-four hundreaths (1C�3.44} ieet to the <br />• I�ortherly line cf 1�arthern Sta�es ?ower Compar,y rignt-oi-dvsv <br />m <br />e <br />