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. • <br />�scussi� <br />Thora r+a� no one fram the audi�nce that aished to be haarcl upan ti�is particular matter. <br />Demas haci e question a� to what proporty had been solci and whst is the reason for the <br />division at this tima. �irs. �fatk�fci inc�icated that she aas solling the property ►+hich noa <br />houses a grocery artd a tavern and that sh� would retain tiie proporty which has the Standard <br />Oil Service Station and would leaso tliis proparty to the Standarcl Oil Campany. <br />�here was a quastion as to tha parking situ�tion aftor this division of the lot would taka <br />place. '[horo r+as a quostion as to the longth of the lease on tho Standarci Ofl Station. <br />Ntrs. Matkaiti indicateci that it was a lU/!0 five year lease and th�t tha present statfon aas <br />almost at tthe end of the first ten years. <br />Rvcaroa�ndatian <br />Ea�l�s Movad, Pope Seconded, that wa recawa�nd that tha requast of A. Je Ptatkaiti <br />fo�r a divisi�n of a lat a 2164 North Uale Streat be approved. Roll Call� Ayes: Edlund� <br />Popa, Ksli�tt, Eagle9, Uemos� Jahnson. Nays: None. <br />Planning Fila 5�61-6,y - Bonestroo, Rosene arid Assocfates, req�aest for rozoning frv� R•1 to <br />I•1 at 233S Fulham Street. <br />Presentation <br />Mr. Afike Worth, Attorney reprasenting the Bonestroa, Rosene snd Associates, made the pre- <br />sentation for this prapos�l. He indicated that the engine8r3ng consultant £irm of Bonestroo <br />Rosone and Associatos would like ta construct an nffice building on this particular site. <br />Ha indicated that there present facf litias are now on Eustis Streot ii� St. Paul and that they <br />have aatgrown these facilities and would lik� to move to this site in Roseville. He stated <br />tl�at the canpany i� requesting an I-1 zone bocause this was indicatad o� the rec�nt "701 <br />Planning Guide" �dapti�d by �`�e Alannin� Comraissiam ,and the Village Ca�ncil. Mr. Nlor�h stated <br />that the co�apany presently emp�oys approximately 35 people and they anticfpate this figure to <br />graw. Afr. Worth indicated there was a ponding e�soment over the entire area which Na� na+ <br />ow�tied by the Village of Rasovilla. lis indicated that at one time �his was a State i�ighway <br />Depart�ant easem�nt and that it had been turnad back to tbo Villa� of Roseville. �ir. Worth <br />indicatad that ho is requesting a rozoning of the entire area and that in order to accomplish <br />�his the Village of Roseville would have to redx�ce tl�e entire easement that exi�ts over this <br />land at ttae present. <br />Discussion <br />1�ere was a graat deal of discussion over this particular easement (pondia�g) that now exists <br />on tt�i.s proper�ty. Both Pir. Goldberg and �ir. Dahlgren in�Picated tf�at they had consulte�i with <br />the Village Attorn�ay of Rosevil2e and that it was t�cue that the Village of Roseville owns a <br />ponding easement aver the entire tr�ct. It was further indicated once this easem�nt was <br />turned over to the 'Jiilage of Roseville there had been attempts on the part of the Village o£ <br />Rossville to negotiate reducing this easement t� the present owner o£ the proparty, Mr. Fiank <br />Wi��hem� who presently has property on Fulham Street. Howrever, the negotiations for the re- <br />du�:tion af thi.s eas,emant by the Vi llage of Rosev i l le were unsuccess ful and the matter was <br />le#t aL tk�is point. <br />Edlund had a que�.tio� as to ttle architects drawings of the bui lding, �,and Mr. Bonestroo pre- <br />sentecl tiIt$�e dr��rings to the Planning Commission +lembers, <br />t�#r. Frank Witham, awner of the property an Fulham Stre�t, indicated there w,ss a gr�at d�al of <br />confusio� over who had� control over this easeaent, whether it was the State Highway Depart- <br />ment or xhe Village of Roseville, He stated he was contacted by riir. George �fe�brez ta neg- <br />oti,ate this easement, but he Was unawar� of just who had �ontrol over the easement, the <br />State High�ray Degartment or the Villag� of Roseville. <br />