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. <br />� •Z- � <br />Mr. ��ahl�roA indic�ttod that he thouqht it would haye becn the purPose of the meoting be- <br />tx�en tha Bristol Caapur►y and the reaid�nts in the area to try and r�ach agrerement on what <br />w�id be the bemt us� of tho opcn-spaco nrea. Specifically� just ha�+ this could be land- <br />sc�ped and �asde �ore of an attractive area anc9 ser�o as a buffer betweon the ape�ta�ar��:s and <br />the x�asi�3ent� to the nrnth. It was indicated b ofae of the Caramission n�embers tl4at the <br />idea of �onstz�uc�in� haaes nrounJ the cul �a sa�n�n C1evclanJ Avenue woulJ si�ply b� trs�r►s- <br />farrirtQ tha prcblom to thase peoplo wi�o aould be buildir�g there. Athmr ma�abers of tho <br />Gorission indicatoci that the raasan why thc 1'lanning Comrais�ion held this mattcr over one <br />month was �o that the �resident� and the d�volopar could reach an a�r�ement and that they <br />felt an a�ee�ent had been rea�heJ at this point. <br />6tecaao�enc�ati an <br />Edlund Naved� Pape Secondod, that we recommend that tt�c request by the Bristol Campany <br />Inc. for razoning fraa R-1 to R-3A and special use permit ut 3030 North Clev�land Avenue <br />be approvod exeopt the north 126 f8et which shall bs exclu�lod;und subject to the follow- <br />in� conditi�s: <br />1. Subject to thv developmont plan ris submitted whi�h indicatas the <br />r�orth 126 feat to remain as an open spaco axea. <br />2. 'Iho ctBctieation of �6-1/2 feet on C l�veland Av@nue for stx�eet right-o£-wsy. <br />3. The applican t also dedf cate :►nd construct a suitable cul de ssc on tha <br />south end of IVildar Street. <br />4. 1he filing of a lanciscapa plan to tho Village Councfl which indicates <br />b$r�s, plantings, etc. <br />t�oll Call, Ayo�: Edlund, Pope, Kellett, Ea$le�, Ueraos. Nays: Johnson. <br />P,lanning Ffl.o SSy-69 - Joseph Lambert requost for division of a lot at 2215 Nc�rth Claveland <br />Avanue. <br />Rn+sentation <br />Mr. Joseph Laabert indicatad that he did not have any fur�her information to add beyond that <br />aubmitted in his original applicatian. <br />Discussion <br />Damos askad a question as to rr�y the irregular shape of the lot being divicled, Mr. Dahlgren <br />indicatad tnat the lats in the immediata area are in excess of one acre and that his pro- <br />posad dirrision r+ould ba in the same proportion as the existing lot. <br />Mr. Wood, 225U Acorn R�ad, requested.a better description of the lot being divided and wanted <br />to knav if it was the o�e to the south of the existing La�nbert hane. <br />Recca�andation <br />.Toh�;;�son Atoved, Pope Seconded, tha� we r�cr�rnmend that the request of J�seph La�mbe�t for � <br />� division o£ a lot at 2Z15 North Clev�lancl Avenue be approv$d. Roll CaTl, Ayes: Bdlwrtd, <br />; Paga, Kellett, Eagles, De�os, Johnson. Na��s; None. <br />P1�nnin�File 56�•69 - A. J. Matk aiti request fo� division �f a lot �t 2164 North Dale <br />. �......�.��. .......,. .......... <br />Street <br />Pres�ntation <br />Mrs. M�tl:aiti indicated that she di� not hav� anything further to add beyond that which had <br />bean su�bati.tted in her original applicaxion. <br />