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� <br />'� S�'N �E�'SP�P�R� <br />A.FFIDAVIT OF PUBI,IC�TO�N <br />� SUBC� R�A'� �L� �' <br />Sg6 Waha�a Avenue <br />State of Minnewta 1 <br />County of Ramsey j SS. <br />� <br />St. Paul, Minnesot� <br />W. JOHN AERTRAM, betng duly swarn, on oath says he ls and during all ttmen here stated <br />daa been the vice president and printer ot the newapagar known as The S�aburban Sun <br />and has tull knowledge of the tacts hereln stated as follows: (1) Said n�waDaper <br />is printed in the Engliah languaRe in newspaper tormat s►nd in column and sheet form <br />equi�alent !n printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a week�y and <br />9s distributed et least once each week. (3) Said neK•spaper das 50% of its news columas devoted <br />to news of local fnterest to the community whi�h it purporta to serve and dcee not whoI�q <br />dupllcate q <br />8nv other pubLcation and ie not made up entirely of pstents, plate matter and <br />adverilsemeats. (4) Said newapaper is cirzulated in and near the municipality which it purporta <br />to serve, has at leasL 500 copies regularly dellvered to paying eutucribere, hae an average oi <br />at least 7Sqh ot its total circulation currentiy paid or no more than three months in arreara <br />and has entry as ssaond•claas matter in its local post•oftice. (8) Said newepaper purpprta to <br />strve the Cities of Rosevllle and Whlte Bear Lake and Villages of Shorevlew, Arden Hi]la and <br />Fatcon Heighte in We County :.f Ramsey and it nas its known oifice of iasue in the City of <br />3t• Paul in said county, established and open during its regular businesa hours f�r the <br />gathering of nems, sale of advertisments and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the <br />managing officer or persoas in its employ and subject to his direction assd control during all <br />suNh regular busittess hours and devoted exclusl�ely during such regular busfness hours <br />to the busiaesa af the newspaper and buainess related thereto. (6) Sa1d newspaper tlles a copy <br />of each issqe immedtately with the State FIistorical 5ociety. (7) Said nawspaper �haa <br />complied with all Yhe foregoing conditions for at least two years preceding the day or dat�s <br />of publicatlan mentioned below. (8) Said newspaper h,ss illed with the Secretary of State <br />of Minnesota • prlor to Jaaaary 1, 1968 and each January 1 thereafter an afiidavit a the torm <br />prescribed by lthe Secratary of State and signed by the publisher of said newapaper and <br />sworn to before a aotary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newepaper. <br />., rr— . -, <br />He further statea on oath that the printe� N�.� 1�1�. OF rUBLIC HE �cI�G <br />.. ................... 4 �........ <br />hereto attached as a purt hereof was cut from the columns ot said newspaper, and was prdnted <br />and published thereln in the Eaglish language, once each week, for 1.. successive weeks; <br />tnat �t was first so publlshed on .. ���e the .. � day of ... Jan. 9 <br />.. ��. ... <br />and was thereafter printed and published �❑ every ���' • to and including <br />��� °' the �. day of ��'n • 13 �� and that the following !s a printed coyy <br />of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and ls 1�ereby acknowledged as being <br />the size and kind of type used in the composition and publfcation ot said notice, to wit: <br />a bcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz <br />abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwayz <br />Subscrlbed and sworn to before me this <br />. <br />�---- <br />� day of \.. .. . `....... 19 .`.-!'" � <br />My Commission Expires Nflvember 8, 1971 <br />Nd <br />TO WHOM <br />Notkc ' <br />Councik'o <br />;Nort6 La <br />,dota. ;vilf, <br />rnary "lo:' <br />sider the (i <br />Reloca <br />' iot : At' <br />`de,sctil <br />�egatfksc <br />9Ve:t � <br />Toddsi <br />�;,;; <br />m�:-. <br />:AR1N <br />;: � :� <br />t: <br />