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� <br />'� �t� � 1 TE«'�P.�ER� <br />AFFIDAVIT (�� PUBLi�CATlON <br />� Stt�t'�Ba� �L� <br />SSS W'�bash� Ava�ue <br />State of Minnesot� � <br />County of Rarnsey <br />SS. <br />� <br />St. P�ul, Minro�ot� <br />W. Ji��N BERTHJiEi, being duly aworn. on oath says he ls and ch.ring all tim�s here atated <br />has be�n ihe vice Presldent and printer of 4he aewapaper lrnown as The Suburban Sun <br />and )saa fuil lmowladge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said aewapaDer <br />ia prin4ed Ex Che Eagliah language ia new•apaper format and in column and sheet form <br />equfv�lent ia pzEnted apace to at least 90U square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a Eveck]y aa.d <br />ia distrlbuted at leaat once eac5 week. (3) Said newspaper has 50� of its news columns dzvoted <br />to news of IocaY in'terest tc+ the coanmunity whic6 it purports to serve and does noL wttollq <br />dupliaate any other publlca�tian and is noL made up entirely of patente, plate mattcr as,c� <br />advertisements. (4) �sid newspapar is circulated in a..d near the municipality which it purporta <br />to serve, has at ieast 500 copies regularu+ de2ivered to paying auhscribers, has an aveaage o! <br />at leas2 75qb of its total clretalation curre�ntly pai3 or no more ti�an tbree months tn arreafs <br />and has entry �s second-class matter in tts local post-office. (5) Said newapaper purporte Go <br />serve the Citles of 8oseville and Wtilte S�ear Lak� and ViLages of Shoreview, Ardea Hilia and <br />Falcon Heigbis in the Connky of iiamaeq and 1t nas its known ofIIce oi iasae in the City of <br />St, Paul in said countq, establisned and o�en during its regular busin�s haars for the <br />gathering o� newa, sale of advertisments and sale of subsrxiptions ar�d maintained by the <br />managing afficer or persons in its employ and subject 4o his direction and control during all <br />suc�h regular business Fwurs and devoted exclusl�el�� during such regular bueine�s hours <br />to the busineas of Lbe newspaper and busin$ss related ihereto. (6! Said newspaper !I?es a copY <br />Qf e�ch issue tenmedistely with the State Historicai Society. t7) Said necwapap:�r �iuis <br />li, . com�slle3 wlth sil t7�e foregoiag conditlons fos at Ieast two yeaza prccedinC ttu day or dates <br />of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newspaprs has filed with 4he Seccetary of State <br />ot bHinnes�ta • prior to Jaauary 1, 1988 and each Sanuar� Y thereafter an affidavi4 in the form <br />prrseribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the puhlisher of said newspa�. and <br />s sworn to hefore a notary gublic st�ting that the newap�per is a legal nervapaper. <br />S =. <br />Iie turther states on nath t6at tbe printed ��� �.�� •�� �����C• •��"�'����• <br />'"- , be�eto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newapaper, and was printed <br />k���� � <br />and publlshed theretn in the English language, ance each week, for i.. �uccessive we�ks; <br />; . • <br />� that it was first so published on . . � �� ° the . . � day of . . . . � �'�'. . . 1��. . . <br />and was thereafter printed and published �n every ��� ° ..-.. to and including <br />���' � tne � day ot ��'�' 19 �� and that Lhe foliowing is a pr;nted coDY <br />of the iower case alphabet f:om A to Z, both incluBive, and is 'hereby gclmowledged as being <br />t2�e size and icind oE type used in the composition and publlcation ot said notice, to wlt: <br />abcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz <br />. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwayz <br />SubscrTbed �nd sworn to before me this <br />, � . <br />��Ci��' <br />� ' J/� <br />� daY of �'�-' !. . . . . 18 G.�!.r <br />My Commission Expires November B, 1971 <br />10tGeiai fb8ikatioe <br />'f0 w'HOM �l <br />3�otice la <br />:� n.�.�...n � ..ti. <br />.;Reiorstian •;+u ds� <br />, Fat at 236i''St.; St <br />de�ribed as fdUow: <br />Legal D�cri�tia� `, <br />Wesf on�-liaif I �i <br />ToddsOa!loLG <br />``.: <br />