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Exhibit �2 �zoninR from R-1 to R-3� � <br />�...----- — - <br />All that part Rice St.G�'and�View Addition, Ra.msey County, Mitin. a� folla�re: <br />Z'he East 10 feet of Lo�s 16 thru 22, Lots 1 thru 15, Lots 23 thru 30 Block ? <br />and the adjoi�ning vac��ted alleys in Block 7 and the adjoining North ��f <br />vacated Bismarck Ave. <br />Vacated Ida Ave. ac�,joining Block 7. <br />Lots 1!t .thru 2l�� Block 8 and the adjoining vacated alleys � n said Block 8 and <br />the adjo�nin� North 2 of vacated Bi�marck Ave. <br />xll that part of Lots 1j and 2�, Block 8 and the adjoinin� vacated alley in <br />Block 8 and the Narth � of vacatea Bismar�Ave. l;rinp Westerly of below describQd <br />Line C. <br />All that part of Joy's Rice Additiun, �msey County� Minn. as followe: <br />Lots !�l thru i�8 and part of Lot lt0, block 3�,ving �Iortherly of below described <br />Line D and the ac�joining Eas� � of vacated Marion St. <br />Lots 1 thru 8 and part flf Lots 9 thru 1Lt, Block � Iying Noi•therly of belor� '3- <br />scribed Line D. <br />That portion of �� �cated Woodb��id�e St. ac�j oining 91ock 3 1Ying Northerly of <br />below described Line D. <br />�ots 1 thru 9� Lots 3b thru LtB, and tlaat part of I�ots 10 thru 1!� and Lot 35� <br />Block 2 Northerly of below �.escribed Line D. <br />T�at portion of vacated A�lemarle Si. lying Wsst�Tly of belc� described Line C <br />and 1,,-ing Northerly caf be".ow des c ribed Line D. <br />The South 2 of vacaied Bismarck A�e. fron tr.e cen�erline c�f 13arion St. to b�lo� <br />described Line C. <br />To be replatted Lot 2� Block 3� Hillsborough. s <br />Line A: Beginning at the intersection of the centerlinea of irlestern Ave. and <br />Grandview Ave. being 330.55'southerly of the center of Sec 12, T 2Q�i,R 234�j, <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota, thence East a1on� the centerline of �randvi�w Ave. <br />a distance of 510 feet to the pvint of a curve, thence it�,'ly along a curve with <br />a radius oi L�28.31 feet (A=26 °l7' to the left) for an arc distan�e of 196.I�8 feet <br />to end of curve, thence N 63 °1t3'E 93.�t6 feet to point of curve, thence Easterly <br />along a curve a radiva of l�2�.31 feet (A=26°17' to the ri�ht) fo� an arc <br />di.stance of 1�6.It8 feet to end of curve' thenc� East 60 feet to point of curve <br />thence SE � ly ulong a curve with a radius of 363 .87 feet (A=30 °1tl�' to the ri.ght j <br />for an are distance of 195.18 feet to end of curve, thence S 59°16'E�54•35 �eet to <br />point of curve, thence Easterly along a curve with a radius of 3ti�.87 feet <br />(A=30 °Itl� � to the left ) for an arc di stance of 195.18 feet �,o �nd of c�e on tD�e <br />centerline o�` Grandview Ave. and there terminating. <br />&ine B: Beginv�.ng �$ a point on the centerl.ine of County Roa.a B-2 distant 1�0�.$6 <br />feet East of the center of Sectit�n 12� T 29N, R?_3 W,Ramsey County� Minnesota� be- <br />ing 60 feet West of the 'rJ�st line of Lat 29,, Block 3g Rice St� �'��d'�iew Addition <br />eactended North, thence �ouith parallel to the `�lest line of said iot 29 a diata.nce o� <br />2�40 fee� to a point on ].in� A and there terminating. <br />�.ine C: at a poirit on the F,ast line of SEction 12, T 29 N, R 23 W� <br />Ramsey County� Minnesota distant 1036.0 feei South of the East Quarter Corner <br />of said Section 12� thence West at right ar.�les a distance of 133 f`eet to point of <br />curve� �hence Nrd�ly along a curve with a r��dius of 180 feet (A=9B to the righ�) <br />far an arc length of 282.7l� feet to a point of reverse curvature, tnence NW'ly <br />along a curve witha radius of 391.17 feet (A�23°07' to the left) for an arc length <br />of 157.$2 feet �o end of curve� thence,N 23°07' Tr1,31.5b feet to point of curve� <br />thence Northerly along a curve with a radius of �37.86 feet (A=23°07' to the right) <br />for an arc lengtk� of 217.01 feet to end of cuiwe, thence North 100 feet tc� a poir�t <br />on the South line of Grandvizw Ave. and there termin.ating. � <br />Zin� D: Beginning at a point on the centerline oi Ma.rion St.�,ant 2L�� feet south <br />- o� the centerline of F3ismarck Ave.� thence Ea�st 270 feet parallel to Bismarck Ave�� ' <br />t�hen�es South 130 feet parallel to I�rian St. � thezce East 21.�0 feet parallel to . <br />Bi�marck �vesj �hence �E�ly b;y a de�lectioa angle of �.0°to the left a distance of <br />22� �eet? more o� less� ta line C and there te�t�.�ga <br />, _ - , <br />