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E�r►hibit �3 ��oAinA froa� R•1 to B-i � <br />T�ots 1 thru 12, Lots �26 thru 30, tinat part of Lot 13 arad 25, Blook 8� Rice St. <br />4�amdi�iew Addttion� Ramsey County, �iinn. lyin,g Easterly of belo�r described 3ine C <br />the ac�joining �acated alleys in said B2ock 8, and th� adYjoinir�g vacated Hiemarck <br />Avr.. and Albermarle St. lying Easterly of i.�eloW desc�ibed line C. Lota 1 thru 13y <br />i�ots �0 t�r�u 1�8 � and ��,hat pa rt of Lot ].!� and Lots 3,� thru 3q, Bgock 1� Joy � e Rice� <br />St. kdriition' Ramsey ��Qu.�ty� Minn. lyring North�erly and Easterly af liz�e C., <br />T� b�e repla�t,ed Lot 1, Rlock It � kiillshorot�h. <br />Line A: Beginnit� a�t the intersaction of the centerlin�es of .•les+tern Ave. and <br />t�randvie� Ave. being 330•55'Southerly of the cer,ter af �'Sec 12, T 29�1,R 23%i, <br />Ramsey County, riinn��sota, thence Eas� a�long the centerline of Grandvieu Ave, <br />a dis tance of 510 fe�et to th e paint of a curve, the�-�ce IPi�' ly along a c�srve with <br />� radius a.f l�28.31 f�eet (A=26°1?' to the Left) for an a;rc di.stance of 19E�.ItB feet <br />to end of curve, thealce N 63 °�3'E y3.l�6 feet tq point �of curve, �hence Easterly <br />along a curv�a �ri_tii a radii;�s of �2�.31 fee� (A=26�'17' to the rit�ht) for an arc <br />distance of 196.�$ f��et to end of eurve� thence East 60 feet to point of curve <br />t-hence SE � ly alc►� a curve with a radius of 363.87 feet (A=30 °lt�t' to the ri�ht j <br />for an arc distance �a#' 195.18 feet to end of curve� th�nce S 59° 16�E�5�t•35 feet to <br />point of cur�re, then�ce Fast,erl�* al�ng a curve with a radius of 363.87 feet <br />(Aa30°!'�4° to the l.ef�t) for an arc distance of 195.16 feet to end of curve on the <br />centerlir�e of Gr �nctar;iex Ave, and ther� terminating. <br /> H: Begi.�.nir.� a�t a point an the centerline of County Roa�i B_2 distant l0E)2.86 <br />f$et East of the center of Section 12� T 2qN, R 2� W,Ra�mseg Gounty� Minn�sbta� be- <br />ing 6Q feet West of �the �7est line o� Lo't 29: 31ock 3� Rice St. G'�hd��ie�t Addition <br />�xtended North� then�ce �outh paral.lel to the West line �f said Iaot 29 a distance of <br />200 feet to a point �pn line A and there terminating. <br />Line C: Be�inni.r�g a� a poirlt on the East line of Secti�n 1?, T 2y N� R 23 W� <br />Rame�r County� Minrte�s�ta distant 1036.0 feet South of the �' Quarter Corner <br />of s�id Section i?, thence West ai right angles a d�stanc�e of 133 feet to point of <br />c�re, thence Nrt�ly �along � curve �aith a radi,ue of 18� feet (A=y� to the right) <br />for an are len�th of 282.7�t feet ta a�;�int of reverse curvaturey thence NW'ly <br />along a cur�e �•.itha radius oi 391.17 fe�t (A�*23°07' to the left) far an arc lensf,h <br />of 157.82 fe�t to end of curve� thex�cesN 23°Q7' jJ,31.56 feet to point of curve� <br />thence Northerly along a curve with � radius of 537.86 feet (A=23°07' to the rigYnt) <br />for an arc length of 217.01 feet to end of curve� thence Horth 1Q0 feet to a point <br />on f:h.he ��iuth line of Grandvie�r AQe. and there tersninating. <br />Isne D: Beginning at a point on the centerline of IKarion St. distant 2I�0 feet South <br />0f the cer�+erline of gismarck Ave. � t,hence East 270 fee�C parallel t,o Bismarck Ave„ <br />thence South 130 feet parallel to Marion St. � thr�nce East 2E�0 feet parallel to <br />Bisma�k Ave. � then�e NL' ly b,� a de�lectian ar�gle of !�0'to the left a distance of <br />2z5 feet� more or less�, to line C and there terminating. <br />•� f <br />y'-. <br />4 lL� ' ;l . � .. . . <br />n� F ' <br />� r <br />Z <br />...k. �....t r�! � . f. . � ... � .. <br />0 <br />