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Eachidi t�# �� fro• R-1 ta B-1 � <br />Al2 tl�t p�rt aP Hlo�k 1, Joy's Rica 5t. Addition, R��ey Countq, Hirn�. aa folloxes <br />tat� 2� thr� 3�.► exc+�pL tho Weet 130 feQt thsreof, and �rt af Lot 35 e�oc�pt the i�eet <br />�30 teet th¢�eof l,�ir� 3outherly oP belurr deacribed C except�.the South 3 feet <br />l.hlat�QO�' af Lot 25 Laken °1'OT xldenit�; �41ttt1eRote Av�• <br />I,ot�a 2� thru �,�� and part ot' Lat 1L ly�i� Southerly of belrn+ deecriberd I.ine C <br />e�cc�pt ttie $outh j �eet af Lot 2!t taken for widentn� Mi:meeata Jtve. <br />T�o t�e replgtted Lat 1�� 87Fo�k 3� Hillsborough <br />LS;��o A: l��inni.n� �t titxj :intersection of the centerlinea of :lestern A�re. and <br />4randvie�a Ave. b�in� 33�•�5'S�utherl,y of Lhe af Sec, 12, T 29�i,R 23i�1, <br />R�m�ey County, ?Sinnesota, thenc� E��st alon� tho canterlir�o of Grandvieu Ave. <br />1:i�st,�nc� of 510 .feat ta the point �f a curve, thenca ?1�E�1y along a curve xith <br />a� rr� of �t2�.31 feet �A•�6•17' to the left) fnr an arc dietance ot 196.t�8 tQeb <br />t,c� end of curvo, thertce N 63'l�3+E 93.I�b faet to point, of curvQ� thence Easterly <br />a1or� �+ cur�re xi t.h a radius of 1�2�.31 f�et (A�26°17' to th� rirht) for an arc <br />diat»�nce of 19b.�►8 feQt to end o�' cvrve, th��nc� E,�st b0 feet to ,�oi►�t o�' curve <br />thence SE�ly alor� a curve with a rad.iva o£ 363.87 feet (A=30°I�l�' to the t�i.�ht� <br />for ara ara dist,�nce of 14a�.18 feet to end of curve, ihence s 59� �6�E 5l,.35 feet� to <br />point o� curve� thence Eas#,t:rly along a�urve with a radiue of ,�63.8� fest <br />(A�30'!�!�' to the left) for an arc diet.�nce of 195.18 feet to end of curP�e on the <br />�nterline caf �randviewr Ave. and tl�ere term3.natir�. <br />Line B: Beginnin� at x point an th� centerlin� of Gc�unty Road B-2 distant 1002.86 <br />fe�t East of the cente� of Section 12� � 29N, R 2.� W`,Ramsey �ounty� Minnesota� be- <br />in� b0 fe�t b�e�t� of the �est line of Lc�t 29, �lo�k 3� Ri�e Si. (�'rand'�`i.ew Addition <br />extetuied Nort}�� thence South parallel to the We�t line of eaid Lot 29 a distance of <br />?t30 feet La a point an line A and there terminating. <br />Lit�e C: Ae�innin� at a point on the East line of Section 12, T 29 N, R 23 W, <br />R�mseg County� Min�es�ta distani 103�i.0 fest south ai the East �uarter Corn�r <br />ot' 3ect�ion 12! thence West at ri�ht angles a di�tance of 133 feet to point of <br />curve� thence N•l�1� along a cuz�ve �rfth a radiue oi 180 feet �A=9(1 to the ri�ht) <br />for an arc length of 2�2.7L� f��t to a point of r�verse cur�rature, thence NW'ly <br />alor� a curve witha �dius. of 391.17 feet (A�23°07' to the left� for an arc l�n�ti-. <br />A� 1�T.82 �eet to end �f curve, thenc�, N 23°07' '�1, 31�,�6 fe��t ta� point o�' curve' <br />ti�ence Nartherly alor� a curve with a rarliug of 537• � feet ( A=23`07 � to the l�ight ) <br />for an arc �ength o� 21T.01 feet to end of curv�e, thencs North 100 feet to a point <br />on the �outh lirte Af Grandview Ave. and there te.rminating. <br />Line D: Beginni.n� at � point on the centerline of Marion St. distant 21�0 feet South <br />of the centerline of Bisraa�ck Ave., thenGe East 270 feet parallel to �.smarck Ave„ <br />tttence Sou�h 13A �eet parallsl to N1a�ion St. � thence East 21t0 fest paa•allel to <br />$Lsmarck �ve.� thence NE'�r by a cie�lection angle of LtO�to the left a dista�ce of <br />225 P�et, �or-� or less, to line C and triere terminating. <br />