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� <br />PAR,GEL "B� <br />That part of �h� Southw�st Quarter (SWw} of the Southw�st Quarter (ST�) <br />of Seation �, Town�hip 29, Range 23 �xoept the travt conveyed to <br />Minneapoli� & St� Louis Ra�.lway Company by deed recorded in "52" Deeds 22 <br />and sub3evt �o rights aaquired by S�t�ate of Minnesota in "10�7'" Deeds 629, <br />�.11 in Ramsey Coun�ty, S�ate af Minr�eso�ta, de�rsribed as follow�; <br />Beginning at a point cUQ f�� W�st of North P�,�aal Av�. on a extended <br />We�te�rly at �i ri�h+, angl� from said W�st line of North Pasaal Ave. from <br />a point 4�30 ft, N��r�h �f the intersscati�n of the West line o� Alorth Pasca]. <br />Ave. �rl�h the pret�ent North line of County Road "C�°; the��ce Northerly at <br />right angles to a point 3.n a line 2�0 ft, South of and parallel with �he <br />Nnrth ];ir�e of the above described property; thenae Westerly along said <br />paxallel line 5B0 ft.; th�nee SoutnQrly at right �.ngles �o a point i� <br />the Westerly eactension of the line drawn a� right angle from the said <br />poin� in �h� lin� �f North P�.saal Avee which is c�.istant 430 ft. Nor�h of <br />said pre�ent Narther�,y line o� County Roa� 'tC"; thence Eas�er;,y to the <br />_ point of begi:nning. <br />