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ZO�T?: TG P.�^irST - a:�rr^ � r <br />. <br />j�i�p or plat showin�; the propertf nroposecl to be rewoned a�zd a11 1^nds ZTl'ti}1- <br />in 25d fee� o�' the � Uo�zndries af t�i� prop�i•t� pi�o��ou�a �o be rezoned, <br />(S copies) <br />Abstractor� c�rtif�icatQ li.sta_ng t�u= �ar.ies and adctresaes of the oi•mers of <br />t1�e land with:in 250 f�set o� t!+o bottndries of the prop�rt� reque�ti�z�; the <br />Rezoning a.� t?lo�e na,,z�,^, ap�ear oii t?�e records of the County ^uditor of <br />I�amso3�r Caunt�r. <br />Propo��ci plan for uso of rEzo�zed propert;� (5 co�ies) <br />Peti.�ion shot�rin� 50� of prop�rty ot�mer� �,rith3.n 250 feet favori.z�b rezonin�. <br />�+• �4���W,.�u�,r�an� ana �a,�nature: 'l�le undersi�;r�ed hereby represen�s upon a11 of the � <br />penalties oi' �he la�•r, �or the purp�se of inducing �h� Vi11�3�e of Ro��eville, to <br />talce th� action herein requested, that a11 statements Y�orein are ��rue a�d that all <br />work herein mentioned wi11 be done in a.ccordance with the Ordinance of the T1i1la7e <br />nf Rosovillo, and th� laws of the 3tate of i��innesota.. b <br />�p s �e � � r � �„�'�-�'-� <br />Date � 0�� G /6 . <br />y <br />� � <br />Si�na.ture <br />. �- :�-n�, �,�a <br />