<br />' � �
<br />• ' + w .
<br />• +
<br />7. N rth 247.5 ieet of EZ of W� oi SE� and W. 88 �eet of F,� o►f
<br />` 5�� �i' �ec. 8, T.29, R.23.
<br />;� Appas�n� racord ow�aex; Evan H. �eter, son.
<br />�� �. �a �./4 of NortJ� 247.5 f�et of E
<br />�� S� of Se�. 8, T.29, R.23.
<br />�
<br />�� App�ren� recard awner; Rc�bex� ��, Carr and Grace �i. Car�. � i
<br />�
<br />��� 9. T�cact „�tt e�cept t�e N. 44.64 �eet there f•
<br />�'eet a� Tract '�I" Re�i.s�ered Land Surve� N�� 50aon f�Z�N: 156, 22
<br />� n� t3ae Register of �'i�1es in and for Ramsey CVaiailfry, Minne�otae o���.ce
<br />�A�.1 that part vf the ]E. 1r4 0� �he NE oi Sec� 8, T.29, R.23 1yin�
<br />, Wly Qf the �ily �.ine of ri ht
<br />ii ,�, in g oi way o� Trunk I�ighw�;y Pto. 280 ax�ci
<br />��..y g So o� an EZy extension of the S. 13ne of N. 4�.6� fe�� of
<br />Tract t���° 1Registered Lar�d Sur�ey N�, 50 on file in the o�fice of
<br />Re �.stra
<br />� g r of Titl.es in and �or R,amsey County, Minnesota, and �.ying
<br />�� N, o� an E1q e�tens�.on o� the S. �in� mf N. 256.22 �eet of Tractk "ItP
<br />��, xr� s�id �,egastered Lanal Survey �?o. 50,
<br />AFpar�n� record owner; M& M Rea�.ty IAc. a corporation
<br />1�D. Al�. �at pa�t c�� tha E. 3�/4 a� the NE� o� Se�. 8, T.29, R,. �3
<br />�I �.yirag W�y o� i�e W1y 3ine vf r�.gl�� a� way �� Trunk Highwa�rNo. 2�0
<br />' �� �.�el` l�ing S. o� an El.y ex�e�sion o� th� S. la.r�e a� N. 156.22
<br />j� feet Q� �'ract 11�,� gegi�t�xed L�nd Survey No. aU.
<br />, � _
<br />� `Appaxes�� rc��ard �wner; Geor�s �iart.
<br />. par� o� the E�"1/4 oi , :
<br />;� � �
<br />5 � 1�l . �'�;1 tlna t � ;- �the NE� � of , S�c . $ 7�. 29 �.. ��
<br />� �.Y�.ng_ Iv'. t�f �x� �3. �
<br />y. ,extensapn �f �tiae S. 1i�ae o� the I3. 44.64 �ee�
<br />o� T�act :��'t o� gegisterer�` La�°d Survey 1Nc�, �p c�n file a.n �hea�,fice
<br />; � ,, ;af Regis�a�ar of '��:t1os � vvat��i�t� and �or I�amsey Cvunty, M�.nniesota �, �and � � '
<br />�f,� � 1yi�� S: a� a,li.ne �,��nning parallel to a�d da.s�a�� 50 �eet S1y :
<br />�> � fxe�m a li,�ae clescr�,be� as ��llows: B�: �.nn�.� at a
<br />`' me���r+ed �. ' � � point 935 ��e�, ; {;:.
<br />�rn�n t�e cent�� �_in� Ai the ma�.n track e�� N����,ern�'
<br />:' �PaG3.'�xc R�i�way a�n.'a line �h�.�h ;s ?9�.
<br />5 feet W7.y o� ani� rua�nat�ag
<br />; � p�n�a3��:. �r�.th t�ie �Y. ?-�rn� o� �. 1/4 �+f NE� c�f �aid>Sece S; �hen.ce :; ,
<br />f��� �a�.d poa.ut of b�ginn�,�:g, �r�,th a bac� sx h� oa the >,
<br />, co��s� �x�c� c�ef l� c� i� g � o � h� r ig h t �� d e ,g x precedin�
<br />g, �� �n an ]�1�r �iirectit�n
<br />�� 3 1?r �+��� tr� a poin�; i���ace de��.���a.ng ��eg• ��a �� tbe ri�h� ,from
<br />,
<br />�._ �he p���;�a�,�g �,���.�� �nd co�xt�,nu3.ng in an E�.�y d�,rec�c�.s�m in. a s�ra�.g�a�
<br />#° �3,ne' te� 'a
<br />�. � �ac�at�� 5a �e�t N1.y irom tl�e pa�.n� o� i�.4s� ���ti�r� ht�re�i�.���ex� .,; :
<br />� d�scri���; �'nd lq�n�, W19 c�� a lia�e described as; �o11oh►�; -�
<br />� �e�.�nni�� .
<br />� t �he � . 1/4 c�arna� o� s� �.d Sec . S; �P��nce rux�nin N1 � �n aaagle " � ��
<br />� ` .:
<br />' r � y � b�h� E � and P�. �: 1�.ne af sa �d Sec. � a d3s�anc� ; ,
<br />ca�i �� �eg. 54 �rit
<br />� o� 516.�5 �'�et; �,hence d��l�ct3.n� �o tlhe leit �� an ��g1e of 13 de�.
<br />' ;12' a c�is���a�e oi �2�,.6� feet; thex�ce �ie�lec�ing �r� the 1�ft at
<br />a� ang�e 'of 9� de�. Ot�' a distar�c� vf 245 ��et ta a poa.n-� her�zn-
<br />^ :
<br />�.a�ter, rc�fer��d �.o a� po�.nt "At' �h�nc� d��lee�ting to the ri l�t �t
<br />�n; an�1� of; 9C� deg. OQ' a dxs�amce o� 323. 5? �e�t m�r� ax less t� <
<br />�; ; ' � . � ,
<br />a poi�ar� o� :iaa��xsectia� with the I.as� a�c�re descr�,bed paxa�.Ze7. 1ine,.
<br />:
<br />�` � �. � � � ;
<br />;, ax�d a l� W3, Qi a�.in.e des��ib�d as follows. B�ginning at the E 1/9� " �;
<br />xi � � ' g . y .
<br />;: . cr�rz�em of sa�.d �ec. 8 th�rac� N1y at ar� angle of $� deg. 54' �►ith >
<br />� ;
<br />t���. �nd S'�. ��.ine af said Spc. 8� distanee o� �i&.3 :Pe��, �henic�
<br />�ef�.ec��.ing to t}ae 1�it �t an angle o� 90 deg. p�o a, d�,stan�ce af 3C►�
<br />�eet, th+enee Nly to �aid point "A,',
<br />' �:
<br />�; `� App�re�at record aw��r; W�.tte Transporta�iox� CompanY f..Mia►nesota `
<br />I 1 , � . cQrpora t�.on) ,��
<br />,
<br />X> . �� 12. That part o� the I�EQ of Sec. 8, T.2�, R.23, d�scr�.bed a� �ollcaw�:
<br />' _. °�omm�nc�,ng at t3a� in�exsection oi ��e W. line of the E. 1,/� Q� saici
<br />� 1�E� �3.th the S1� 1iz��e �� �he l�,�r°ther� JP;acif�.c Rai2way right �f way; ,
<br />�h�nce Sly aiong said W. 1i.n� 1072.77 f'eet more or le�s, to the �
<br />Nly �.at�ze o� the premises hereto�ore conWey�d to �Yitt� Trarasport��ion
<br />: 4 Cu�pany in �c�ak= 1�89 0� Deeds, page 515�; �hence E1y -
<br />�atr�ng s�id Idl� iine to the W�.y ri�ht of way" line c�f 5�:ate ��unk
<br />I�igkaway No, 280; th�nce NW1y alc�ng said �V1y righ� of way line to
<br />� ths Sly lirxe o� the N+�rtk���n Pa�i�i,c Railway right of way; �thenc�
<br />f��Y a�ong`said �ly li�e to the point of beginning, said premises
<br />E�Qntain 6�./'8 acres mor� or 1ess, Ram�ey Count�, M�.an. , excep�
<br />pa�t at' #i0.
<br />�: _ �
<br />Appak�ent record �wner�; Prest�essed Concrete, Inc. (Minn, corporation}
<br />