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C� <br />�ugu�+t io � 1963 <br />�'�t'a ��hn L. McS�ierry <br />1q0� Huron S�. <br />st . ��ul, �t��n . 55113 <br />�e�or McGee <br />Village of 8ose�ille <br />St. Pau,3;, Minno 55113 <br />Dear Sir: <br />�n July 10, 1y6� I attended a public hearin� by the Roseville planning <br />commiseion. One of th.e items on the agenda w�s a, requeet for variance by <br />th� William Olsone of �911 Dollvood.. Thie eari,e.nce� if allowed� wo�,ild ha,ve <br />permitted idr�, Olson to continu� ueing her, pri�nr�te residenae as a danciag <br />s�udio. <br />(?n July lI the St. P�u1 Disp�.tch reparted that the Olson�e requeet for a <br />varia.nce wraa denied �,y the planning coiam�esimn. I wi$h to protest thie rul- <br />ing. Afy �ea,gon is t�aat I believa the commission� although acting according <br />tn law^ act�d very a�r�itrarily. <br />The ahair�ae.ra of tha commi�sion d�.dn't idantify himeelf a� euch, eo I hb,ve <br />to asswne that the youmg me�,n Who introduced the vPriou(1 cases and p,it�ne <br />wr�e the chairms.n. Wlth thi�a essumption� I r�ou].d like t.� poi.nt �ut that in <br />hi� queationin� of tY�� 01��ns a,nd their repreaentative, the chairme,n egtab� <br />lis�ed that in conducting her danc3ng claesee, Mra. O�.soa in no w�.y creatod <br />a diaturbance te other resident�a in the immediate ar�. There vra.e eupposedly <br />a disturbanca crea.ted by �e.rked automobilee, theee being driven by motr.ere <br />bringing ahildren and picking them up. <br />�hers was aae rosident present at the meeting who cla.imed he was disturbed <br />by these pa.rked auto�obilee, but his rema,rks se�mad dirccted oore againet <br />the villa�;e of Ro�eville ma.intence departm�nt tha,n against the dieturbance. <br />�e griped ab�ut the condition of the etree� (Dellwood} and t�e lack of <br />polieo protectia�. He did claim th�,t his wife ha.d been insulted by Lhe <br />driver� of theae nuisance autnmobilee when she request�d. they move eo sh� c�uld <br />pr��eed to her re�idence. He didn't use any specific date� or wrard�, a.nd <br />after hia tirade agaiaet the condition of Dellrvood St. and the �.�.ek of police <br />protection� his re�rk about the ineult to hie wif� aeeme6. quit,o inaignificant. <br />it saems to be public �nforma,tion that thie �an nowe or still has, his house <br />for eale. �a a ma.tter c�f recoz�d, I believo he intraduced himself as M�. <br />Trau�nahuh of 1891 DCllwood. <br />The point made iu discu$aigg the Olsons� plight w�,� tha.t they live in an area <br />zoaed Raslde�attal (I for,get the ex�.ct claeaificaiion} and thie residontial <br />classification c annot be vialated. <br />Sevaral blocka east on 8oeelawn frnm the Olsoas' reaidence is a Little Ze�,gue <br />ball field. i lalow the umpiras in some Little Lea,g�e baeeball. ga�ee are pa.idv <br />If thia is true &t thi� particular field, then it means the field is being <br />use�i for commercial purpoaes. So�eone (�th� umpirea) earning money "sma,�k dab" <br />in the midd�e of our resident3al ar,ea� is ag�.inat the Z�aw: <br />