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'�_�_,:.. a ., w <br />,�' �, `S f* <br />� <br />Tn; <br />F ROf�i : <br />� � <br />Villaga �ouncil <br />Vi l lage Manager <br />F� <br />SUBJECT: Trunk Higk�way 36 and Victaria P�etition <br />a�r�up of �eople �rom the area of i.:I. 36 and Victoria met with <br />Lowell Q�dl,�:nd �d I about two �reeks �go re�ardin�* a pronosed over- <br />pass to be constructe�: on T.H. 36 at Victoria. These people are <br />Quite conc�erned about tl�is construction since it would effect <br />their property. <br />IVe indicated to the people that t}ie best thin� for t}ier^ to do was <br />to c�rcuiate petitions in their area north and south o�' T.F{. 36 <br />at Victoria to try and determine the atti tude of the resicients. <br />iVe felt there n�i�ht be a stran� resistence to takin�; out tt�e <br />over�;ass since it wi �l be a Qre�t convenience in Rettin� north <br />aizd south of T�H. 36 at this �oint. � <br />T}ie concerned group now circulated a netition anci claim to liave <br />approximately 200 si�natuxes favoring the aba.ndonnent of. t}ie <br />overpass. If the over•�ass is abancioned then t'ictoria woul� merelv <br />be deaderieci on eit}ier side of T,11. .s6. ' <br />Dean Anklan, Ramsey Count}� f:n;�ineer, contact�d r.�e o�i ti�is nron�sec� <br />abandontnent of the overpass and re. orted titat the County has worked <br />veiy hard t� have tne State constriict tiiis uver*�ass. They �re <br />quite upset wit}i the possihility that t}Ze l'illaoe nav T�errit <br />abandonment o� tl�e oti�ei~�;iss. Tli�y feel t}:at !�ictoria is a trajor <br />inter-muniei; al st:�^t for t?�e;�� anci ���ish to be ?�earcl be �orE t}le <br />Council takes any speci; ic action on t}le rea>>est to abandon tlie <br />o��ernass. <br />The �iinnesota iiighwa;r Ue��artr�»t is in ravor o`' ,�1��;�l�ionin� the nvcr- <br />uass since it tiJOLIICI save ;-;one�•, ' <br />The VillaQe of Roseville's i;�tere_,t in tiie over�-;�ss is n;ir?ir;aal si»ce <br />the convenience of tlle .reszdents i^r��:li atelv narti; ancl soi_�t)z o`' T.Ii, <br />,i6 is our na; or concern wit;�in the Vi l la�e. ''eo�, le :'ron County ftoacl <br />�-2 ancl norti; caz� use t},at rnute to :+et to eiti;er U�le �?- Le�in�t�n <br />Avenue. T1ie i•zsicl�nts ''rur i:o��i;t�� Ra,�;� ' snu�;i cv� iise Cnunt�• .".oaci �. <br />to Ret to the Dale or LexinRten interch:�n�es. � <br />�e�ore takin�* any action the Co�cil siioulci c�nsult R:i��,se�� Countv <br />ancl �ossibly the Villa�e u� �:,��re��ies,� as te t'�` �rr�C�S on t;1e� <br />of tiie aba��donm�nt c+ this o�,-e�-�ass, <br />/'�� <br />� <br />:�nri � 7, 1967. <br />cc-D��in Ankian, :;a.�sev Gount�- ;:�z�-ineex <br /><n`'s <br />;! <br />;;,t <br />;} <br />; <br />� <br />,.,� <br />`''';� <br />t; <br />� <br />t: <br />