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. <br />� <br />` <br />♦ <br />I:J�Pn.iCi n.L'r` � V�l�:+. �r <br />. F�t2ibit aubr�i�'Ge4: <br />I•"� or pl,at showin� �ho nroperty Proposed to oe rezoned and all 1� nds with� <br />in 250 feot of tl:c: 'uo1�nd��.es of t'�e Propei•t� p� opo�ed to be r�zoned. <br />C5 copie�) <br />Abstr��tors �certificat� li.stin� t?��r -�ane� ana ad�.res��s of the oi•mers of <br />the l�.nd within 250 �eet o:_ �'.,o bottildries of the z�roport? rec�ue�t:i:z�, tn� <br />Ftezon�.ng a.s tlso>e nar.►e: ap?e�r on t:.e reeords of the Co��.nt� �iuditQx� nf <br />Kamso;� Caunt3� � <br />Pr�posed plan �or uso of rezo�ied pra�ert;,� { 5 co�ies ) <br />I'etitian showin� 50� of property o�mer� �aritliin 254 feet �'a�orinb rezonin�. <br />. Aclrnawleci�ment and Si�na.ture: The undersi�ned i�ereby represen-l:s upon all of t,he <br />penalties of the l�r, for the purpose of inducing th� Village oi �to: evil� e, to <br />take tYie action herein requeste�i, t?�at all statamen�s 'nerein are �true and that all <br />work herein mentioned wil�. be done in accordance with tli� �rdinance of the T�Ti1.l��,e <br />of �osavillo, and the laws of the State of I�Zinnesota. � <br />n�t� s _ � y _ � ,�' <br />. --� <br />Si�nature � � ,'" f t .�C^ L ':'_ ._i r _t <br />, .:�_ <br />_ --�.-- . _ � � <br />