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� SUN �TEWSPAPERS <br />AFPID�;vir OF PUBLICATION <br />Suburban Sun <br />S55 Wabasha Ayenue <br />S�• Pa��, Minnesofa <br />Stafe of M(nnesota l <br />County of Ramsay � SS. <br />W. JOHN DERTRAM, being tlul�^ sµ�orn, o oath anye hc Is <br />�h�ae been {he Ice preslden�l tl print¢r� p( �� � <br />d hus full knowletlge e�� tlurinn oII Hmee here e{e�d <br />ea P��nletl In the En Ileh <<he fncla hercln alnicd <br />vepapa� knoµm s The Suburbnn Sun <br />qulvplenl In p�lnled 6 In ,E�oge in �c�vs�nPe� fonnot� fulluwa. (I) Snitl weppY�'e <br />Is distrlbutetl al Icael ance eneh week �(�� ga��j ���c inchee. �21 Saltl'n �'um� n� o veo ��a� <br />lo neWs of loca� Inlereet to lhe y rvhlehr�ner hnq Spn;, c,�e��cee co kly d <br />�tlupllente nny o�her communl�� �s r`v 10mnB tlevotetl <br />tiverilaemenls. �q� Saltl o' �ve'4n ontl Ic l mndc �urpor�a to c c antl doee nol wholly <br />lo serve, hne n( leoel 500 p°Per Is Irculnletl In nntl nopr,� �t Pa�enls, p�W�� mo���� Ontl <br />e� tlehns 7e �� o( Ite tolnl eir u'lallangcurro tlellvcreA `a �h s� unlclPnlllY hl�^h �v <br />���Y Pa�d o P"Y��R bscilbere, hns f�tpor�te <br />eerve the ClUeeeer eccontl•clnae mn« er In Ite locnl �O more thnn three montha In n�e a <br />o Raeevllle und Whlte Bcar Leke �e� ����ec, (5o g��d � µ,gPe� <br />Falcon Hclghle In lhe Counly of Anmecy antl 11 n d v���n e p��Porin n�o <br />S�' Paui 1n sal`d c 8ee �f Shorevlew, qrden Hllle d <br />BUlhcrin8 of ne untY� celnbllahed and °e Its known (llce a( leeue In [�c CYIY of <br />�wnuging otlfccreo sale of otivertlements n� a during Ita rcuular buslneee hours tor the <br />� persons In Ifp � a ��c o( euLecrlp��ons and meln{ninetl b <br />euch regWar buelnees hours emp�oy nntl aubjecl tu hls tllrecllon Y��e <br />lo ihe bualnees oI the n °�a tlevoletl excluslceip during Buch and cantro� durinR �� <br />o! each Iseuc Immetllutclpoper nd bValnces rclatetl Ihcrefo. �el Snitl regulnr bup�neee C0 re <br />o�nplletl wi(h n11 Yhe forc Y������ �h`� State 1lletorlcol Soclety, newa <br />C Boln6 condlHous for 191 SnidnPnr tlies n PY <br />a� Ml n'eeolo� men�lanetl belaw. (e) Sal� � at lenat two veurs,precetllne the�tlayn�r hne <br />preserlbetl prior lo Jnnuury �, �ypg nnd e C119pa�� has flled i(p ^p� Secrelor dntes <br />bY thc� Sccrctnry a! Stn�e °C�� �nnunry � theree((cr n ffldavlt In the lorm <br />sxom in belore natary publlc ntetln�ntl algnep cy {��Q pubileher of <br />8 Iilnl the n�vapoper la e aid newsPoper entl <br />a IcFnl n waPnpe�. <br />He �lurlher sBBiee a ooth (hat the unnted ��UTiLC. (lf� <br />hcrcln �tnchcA �� � f'[j}j]�I <br />e na�� n���or ��oa � r.�,,, mo �ow�„�b or a�ia � C Y.EAiijI;G <br />ewapnpe�, a�d wae orinted <br />untl publlahetl thereln In lhe Eng��yh �epguage, ance ench �vicek, for <br />1 aucceaelve wet,W; <br />'^H� �� ���s ���s� eo yubllshed o� Mled. � <br />u"• aav or Auo • 68 <br />ia <br />•,^a wos en�reon�r ari�iea a„a um,ure�d o,� �� �� ',%ed, <br />lo antl includlnp <br />Y7eu. 7 Au <br />r m� tow�� me 68 <br />the slzc nnd klud of�lYPecu fron��A to 2. b U���jncluslve,��tl�tl�ls herebu�ac�� 1a <br />s d In lh�e compoy���p� a��d �ubllenHon o( eeld k�owledWetln�¢eptl py <br />bcdefqhlJkimnapqraluvwxyy noUce, (p ��, belnp <br />�"1�..��%,._ . <br />Subscrlbea ena awam lo be(ore me Ihle � <br />tloy o( / �\ <br />1��� <br />INolarlal Senl� /' <br />a �� �_O i/ � <br />� 5 s' Y blf . Ram ey Co- 'f <br />Y. Mlnn. <br />My Commleslan Explres November e, IB7I <br />