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��-:' �' :, <br />� �UN NEWSPAPERS <br />AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br />Suburban Sun <br />555 Wabasha Avenue Sf. Paul, Minnesofa <br />Sfate of Minnesofa � <br />Lounfy of Ramsoy 55. <br />W. 10HN BERTRAM, bcing dWy ew n outh snys hc Is ond during ull Umee here etaletl <br />has been tha vlce presldenl ond printer af the newepnper knoum as The Suburbnn Sun <br />nntl hna [ull knowletlge o[ Ihe fncts hereln slntetl fallows; (1) Sultl newepnper <br />Is printed In the Englleh languogc in n wapuper formnl�eantl In column nnd eAeet form <br />equlvnlenf In printetl spnce lo ot leoel 900 aqunre inches. (2) Saltl n wapoper Is o wcekly ond <br />is dislrlbuled nt Icnat once each week. ��) Snitl n wxpnp^_r hns 50°� o( Its n�x columns tlevotetl <br />to news of Iocnl Inlerest to thc community �vhlch It purporis to scrve nntl tloes not Nholly <br />�dupllcale nny olher publlcaUon antl �s nol mnde up enlircly o( pp(enls, pinte mnlf¢r pntl <br />dvcrlleemenU. 14� Sn1A n wepnper Is circulnletl In und ncar lhe munlclpnllly whlch It purporla <br />tu scrve, Iins al Icast 500Ccoples regulnrly tldivcred lo pnylnR subscrlbere, hns o eragc af <br />al lenxt 75?'0 0! I�s (o(nl clrculnUun c rrenlly pnitl or no ma c Ihon ihrce monthe In n <br />antl hos enl�y a eecontl�clasa mntleruln 115 lacnl postroffice.r�5� Suld newepope� pu�porta {o <br />se ve llle Cltles o( Aoaevlllc and Whlte Bear Lnke nntl Vlllogcs of Sharevlew, Artlen Nllln ontl <br />FNcan Hclghls In the Counly o( Aamscy nntl IL 'nas Ils known afflcc of Iseue In the Clty at <br />St. Pnul in snlW c unty, eslablishetl untl open durin6 ��s rc6ulnr Duslnese nours far the <br />gulhering o! ne s, aolc of udvertlaments ond aule o( subscriptlons ontl mNnlalnetl by the <br />�o6�ng o(flcer or persons In /la employ nncl su�Jecl ta hle dlrecUon antl control durinp nll <br />suCh egulnr bualnese hours nntl tlewtetl excluslcely durinR such regulnr buelneee houre <br />lo lhe bueiness oI lhe newapnper antl buslnese relotetl there(n. �U� Snld n�vepnper Nles u copy <br />uf ench issuc Immedlntel)• wllh thc Slate Hlabrlenl Soclely. �71 Snid n wepnper hne <br />omplletl wllh ull Me In�ngoing cantllllons far nL lennt two yenrs preeedlnR the etlny or dntes <br />af publienllon menUonetl �^law. (8� Saltl n�vepu�xr has tlled witi� Ihe Sccrelury of Slntc <br />o( Mlunesoln prlor lo Jnnuary 1, 1000 antl cach Jnnuory 1 therco(t¢r nn o(fldavlt In Ihe form <br />preecrlbetl by Ihe Secrelnry o[ Slole nnd signatl by lhe publleher of snid n wspnper nntl <br />exorn to bcfore a notnry publlc slnting thnl !hc newspaper Is n Icgnl newepoper. <br />He m�m�� a�„,�� o onlh lhat Ihe printed NUTICE, GF FUi1LIC HLF.AII�(3 <br />� <br />hcrelo nttoched na o pnrt herea[ wne ��������'�� """"' <br />cul fram thc columns a( sold newapaper. ontl wea Otintetl <br />antl publlehed theteln In the English Inngunge, anec �nch week, (ar 1 succeeefve weeke; <br />in:�i i� wns first eo publlxhetl on Wea• �n� � aar or Au�'+• �0 88 <br />.,�a ��os �n���an�� a�mi�a a��a wi�u:e�n o�� �,��, ked. <br />� �o a�a m�mae�a <br />v Au�ln 68��a moi ie� rouowma ia <br />�"e e�.0 lhc �r ohet fram A l0 2, both Incluslvq nd Is hereby n knawledgetl�nstlbeing <br />lhe slzc and kind of type used In tl�e poslllon nnd publlenUon of eald naUcc, lo wlt: <br />bctlefqhlJklmnapqrsluvwxyz <br />��'�..,,��'�- _ _. <br />Subscrlbed und sworn lo before me thls /. tlny o( ....���.-..... IB.� <br />(Nolarin] Sr.p�� <br />L' ...�it�_..�»,c�cP G� <br />Hnri�nro Snmuelson, Nalary Pnb c, Ramsey County, Mlnn. <br />My Commisalan Ezplres November B, 1071 <br />� <br />