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o , . <br />GUIDE T0; <br />REQlIF,ST FQR ZGNING VARIANC� <br />Village of Ro�ey�l�e, Min,��so�a <br />This guide is intended as an aid in completing, your application £or a zoning <br />varia.nce, I£ aiter reading this guide and �he extz�act a� the Village Code furnished <br />youe you still have questxons on completing the a�plication, call the Inspection <br />Superintendent, 484-3371, <br />APPLICATION REQUIREi�NTS <br />The £ollowin� material must be includAd in yaur application: <br />1. Two copies of the applicatian form, fully completed. <br />z. �'ive copies af a map showing the present use af the property on which the <br />variance is requested and of the adjoining property includin� outlines o£ <br />buildings and other fixed equi�ment. <br />3. Abstractors certificate listing the names and addresses o£ the owners of land <br />within 250 feet of the boundaries o t e property r�questiing tho xoning variance <br />as those names a�pear an the recor�s of t}le County Auditor af Ramsey County, <br />COMPLETION OF T1iE APPLYCATION FORh1 <br />..__._._.. <br />Section 1, <br />Section 2. <br />Section 3. <br />Section 4. <br />Section S. <br />Section 6. <br />Section 7. <br />Section 8. <br />Section 9. <br />Section 10. <br />5ection 11. <br />5ection 1?. <br />Section 13. <br />Saction 14� <br />Self explanatory. <br />Self explanatory. <br />Salf explanatory. <br />Enter the complete legal description and m�ke sure it is correct. <br />Enter t}ie present use of the property; nne family r�sidence, �uto repair <br />shop, etc. <br />Enter ttie proposed use of the property - apartme�nto dwelling, hardware <br />store, etc. <br />Enter the date you acquireci ti�e property. <br />Enter the l�resent aonin� of property � R-1, B-1 etc. <br />State tlie number of the Sections of the zoning ordinance which requires <br />you to request u variance, such as, Section 10.110, <br />State ti�e requirements outlined �y the Section of the ordinance; f.or <br />example, Section 10.110, requires tliat in industrial districts the parkin�q <br />space for a single ve}licle in o£f-street parking areas shall not be 1e�s <br />tllan 8-1/2 feet by 20 feet with aclequate aisles for ingress and egress. <br />A general stanclard of 30U square feet per square will be used fox cAmptating <br />parkin� requirements. <br />State exactly w}iat you intend to do with the property which will not <br />conform wit}i tlie ordinance; for example� constrcact parking spaces 8 feet <br />by 20 feet, <br />State :he di£ficulty or hardship placed upon you by the regulation in the <br />ordinance; for axample� if 8-1/2 fuot parkin� spaces are required, only <br />4 spaces can be realized. If, however, Ei foot spaces are permittedp 5 <br />spuces c:an be realizacl. Spaces �vill only be usec( for parkin� passenger <br />c ars . <br />Stato any liardsl�ip 1JI11C}1 may occur to adjoi�tinR properties; for. exampleo <br />tho 5 pzrking spaca arran�ement will cause a car to be parked next to a <br />painting operation of tlte neiRliborinR business to the northtl which will <br />restrict paintin� ut�der certAin conditions, <br />The o«ner signs anc! dates this soction. <br />