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HEARING PROCEDURE <br />A F'�h�i� j�+�j-:iiig is required ne�ore the Planning Commission, The hearing <br />procedure requires 10 days published notice and mailed notice to property owners <br />within 250 feeto "`�' <br />When the Planning Commission completes its hearingo a recommendation is for- <br />warded to the Villa�e Council, This recommendation �aill be considered at the next <br />regular Council meeting, <br />VILLAGE CODE PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO VARIANCES <br />12.030. Variances for Hard�sh.�, tVhere there are practical difficulties or unusual <br />haxdships in t e�vay o carrying out the strict letter of the provisions of this Codeo <br />the Village Council shall have the power, in a specific case and aftar notice and public <br />hearing, to vary any such provision in harmony witli the goneral pu�pose and intent there- <br />of and may impose such additional conditions as it considers necossary so that the public <br />health, safety and general welfare may be secured ancl substantial justice done, <br />12,040. Procedure For Vaxiances, Any owner of land may file an application for a <br />variance y paying t e amount set fortl� in Section 1S,030o anci by providing the Village <br />with an abstractor's certified property certificate showing the property ownors within <br />250 feet of the outer boundaries of tl�e parcel of lanci on wliich the variance is requested. <br />The application s}sall then be heard by the Planning Commission upon t�e same published <br />notice, mailing notice and hearing procodure as set forth in Section 16,020. Tttie mattax <br />shall tnen be heard by the Vi11aAe Council witiiout a public ti@arinR. <br />12,045. Bond Re uirod For Screenin e If ttle <br />variance or specia use permit, i�e applicant <br />ing; <br />Village Council raquires any type of <br />must fil� with tlle Vi11aRe Clerk the follow, <br />(1) Copy of the screenin� plans to be planted or constructed. <br />(2) }�ond in an amount of one and one-half times tl�o en�ineer's estimate of tii@ <br />cost of planting the screcnin�, ti�it1� a con;lition in said bond raquir�ng <br />the screening to b� plantocl or constructeJ to bQ maintainod for at loust <br />two (2) years, said boncl to be� approved by the Vi11aRe Clork anci th� Vi11aRa <br />Buildin� Inspector. <br />