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1. <br />�` �, <br />�;:�-_: <br />�' � �'� s • - - <br />0 <br />� <br />s . <br />St. Peul P�►rk Addition. Sub;ect ta ea�e�ents and State Trunk High- <br />`�ay Ido. 10 and except the ii. Ii�YJ ieet, �and ti�at part Af�st of cente�riin8 <br />of S��te Truuk H�ghWay No. 10-62 of Lc�t 9, Ramsey Countp; <br />The S. 64 �eet of the N. 126 feet of the �t, lOQ feet of' Lot 9, Saie�t <br />Paul P�r� subjec� to aad tagether �it� an eas�ment for driv�wap 20 �ee`t <br />in width �he cents�� line of which is describ�d as �o�low�: Beg�nging <br />at a�in� on th� �'a'. line of said lot, 69.5 feet E. �of the NN cor�er <br />thereoi� thence S. 4°6' Ts. t� a point on �he 3. line o� the N. 230 ieet, <br />86 leet �. of tt�e IY, liae o� said I.ot 9, Also an @A���t�ilt f�r drivea►ap <br />; c�ver �the T. 24 feet oi the 6Y. 100 fPet lyi�g Nly of Leaington Aveau� and <br />' 3, a� the N. 230 ieet �� the �1. 10� feet of said Lot 9, �f Saint �aul <br />' �ark. <br />�outh 104 ��et of N. 230 ie�t of �i. 100 feet of Lot �, Saint Pa�l P'ar�t <br />iaa��+ding �.ny portion of, any street or alley adja�eat ther�eto, vacated <br />�r �o be vacated, subject to and together with �n easement for drivet�ay <br />vurgoses ZO feet i� midth� center line of which is described as �ollowsr <br />Begin�n:l�g at � poi�t on N. line of said Lo� 9, 69.5 �eet T. of NW cc�rn�r <br />thereof; thence S. 4°6' E. to a point or� S. line of N. 230 iee� 86 feet <br />B, of lY. line of �aid Lot J, <br />Al�o an easet�en� for driveway �urposes over E'. 24 feet o� �Y. lOm fee� <br />1�-1ng P11p of d�exington Avenue and S. of N. 230 fe�t of W. 190 f��t oi <br />said Lot 9 of aaid Saint Faul Parl�. <br />N. 62 Yeet of '�. l0U feet of Lot 9 Saint Paul P�rk, includin� aay por- <br />tion of an�r stre�� �ar �lley ad,jacent theret�t �acated �r to be vacate�r� <br />subject to aud together wi�h an �asem�+nt ��r ��iveway 20 ie�t in �r�.dth <br />�he center Iine o� whi�h t� ciescribed as� Be��nning �.t a poimt on N. l,ine : <br />of sa3d lot 69.5 f�et £. oi NW corner thereoi; thence S. 4°6' �. io a <br />goint +�n 3. line o� N� �3�D fee�, 86 fee�t T. o� �t. line o� s�aid Lot �, <br />Also an e�ts�ment for drivew�ay� �.24 feet of �,, 100 feet lying Nlq �f <br />Lexington Avenue aad S. of N. 230 �eet a�f W. 100 ieet of s��d Lot 9 0� <br />s�id Sain� Paul park <br />App�,rent �e�ok�i owner: Cyri1 E. Shee��, Jr� <br />7Phe �T. PAUL A�STR��T ANn 7�ITL� GUAF�fNTEE CO�PAAIY doe� r:�reby cer��.fy <br />�hat �rom �,n exa€nination of the records in the o�fice of the Register <br />of Deeds and/ar Registrar of Titles, in and fo� �he County o� Ra.n►sey <br />and �tat�s o� B�inm�eso ta i t a ears that the a r cord <br />, pp ppar�n��owner ox ownars <br />of t�e property within a�radius of 250 feet of t�ie above properi�r which '�;' <br />is to be �ezc�ned are as follow�: � <br />Lo� 8 and a131 of Lot 9, �t, F�,uI Park, an addition to Ra�nsey �°�ounty, <br />Mf nnesmta, lying E. of the �ente� l�.ne of L�xington Avenue, also I�n4�n <br />as 3tate Trudk Highways #10 and #6�, as presently loc�.ted, and the N� <br />of tl�e vacated portions of Brenner Avenue a�djace�nt thereto, e�c��ting <br />and excluding that p$rt c�f Lots 8 and 9 be�inni�,ng at ti�e I�JIf cc�rner of <br />Sec. 2, T. 2�, �t. �3; thence E. alnng sa�.d N. line of Sec. 2 f+�r a'� <br />distanc;e of 175 feet to a point; the�.ce S. a.l�ng a line drawn at rip�ht '� <br />$ng1Qs to said N. Iine of eaid Sec. 2 a clistance of 183 ieeit �o a poi�tt; <br />�t%ence W. along a line parallel to the N, line of said Se�. 2 to the <br />c�nter line.of Lexington AvenuP �s naw platted; thenc� N. �Io�g s�.ir� <br />�enter line of Lexington Avenue to the place of beg�.nning, �ub�ect� to an, � <br />�as�ment for i�ighwaq purposes to thc; Countp of Ra�sey over and �cross <br />the AT. 33 fQet o� I,ot 8 a�d t�at part oi Lot J lying E. af Sta.te �'runk `_ <br />�i�.ghwa�s #].0 and #62 as set forth in Book 136� ofi needs, page 4�1; a.�d <br />subjec� to a fu�ther easemen� for highway purposes to the County of <br />� <br />,�,° � <br />�. � <br />K-r:.Y . _ _ <br />{ovEr) <br />