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• <br />2. <br />� <br />� <br />J <br />� <br />0 <br />v. • <br />;� Ra�ey oder ;: �d acra�� that �rart o# Lc�t 9! ut. �aul Fark, lyi�g E, a� <br />E: the center ���ae of Le�ingta� Av�nue, also knva�n as State T'run& Hig:�- <br />j' �rays #10 a8d #62 as �aresentiy located, that lies Wly of the fo3.lowin� <br />�� de�cribed groperty line: <br />�' Commencing at ti►e intersectfon of the N. lin� oi Brenner Avenue pr�or <br />�; ta vacat�on thereof with the E. lin� of Sec. 3, T. 29 N., R. 23 W.; <br />'; thence e�ue W. along the N. line of Brenaer Avenue to the 3ii corner Af <br />i Baid Lot 9, (taeing the beginning �f t�e line herein to be dascribed); <br />f� thenc� o� a line bearing North 19°39 1/Z' Sast a tiistance of 273.90 <br />�� feet mor� or lesse to its intersectian w t ihe y right-of-aag line � <br />: o� L�xingtan Avenue and there term�nating . <br />, <br />;f <br />Ap�areat z°ecord owner: Warren J. Br�nrnan � ,� <br />__--------�- J �c`� � � �r`, �� ; f ,_ <br />Lot 10 �i the recorded plat oi St. P�ul Park; except th�.t p�rt thereo� <br />lyi�g Ely di the centerline of S.T.S. lU-fa2; subject to �h��ts of <br />�the publie in and to ��.�.Ha 10-��. <br />Apparent record o�vner : The Caunty of I��amsey. <br />The i�. 100 �e+et of Lot 9, except the N. 230 iec�t there �oi, St. PauY �a�rk,:`� <br />Apparent record owners: �a�lter R. Uhler and �lara T. �Jhler, <br />husband aad wife, �as joi;��t tena ts). <br />------------- �� <br />��� y �� <br />�ixe p�,�t o� �ots 8 and 9 in St. i�aul Park, Ramsey County, �din�ae�o��: � <br />beginning a� �he NW-corner of 9ec. 2,'�. 29 N., R. 2 3 W.; thence k�. <br />a�omg saic� N. �ia�e o� said Sec. � far a. dist�.nce of 1?5 fe�t to a p�aint; ;` <br />thence 3. alang a Iir�e cirawn a� �ight angles to said N. line nf sa�d <br />Sec. ��, d3stance o� 1�3��eet to a point; thence W. a�.ong a line parallel <br />to th�e Id. line of eaid Sec. 2 to �he centerline of Lexin��on Avenue a� <br />+ now platted; thence N. along said c�nt�rline of Lexington Avenue to the '; <br />� p],�ce o� beginning. <br />� <br />� App�.reut record ov�ners : l�ulti-3�a.tQs 8erviee �tations, Inc., <br />�' S�tbject to Lease: To_�'�,ig�P�reY��� Com�anY, (Ohio Corp�) <br />��/�.�;�` <br />Z`h� �f. 428.5 ieet of the SW� of the S�f� of Sec, 35, T. 30, ft. 23, r�"",�� <br />excep� the N. 825 �e�t thereof, subject to public highwa��. <br />Apparent record owne r: Allen a. Nilva. ���. ? ��`.x-,�„-� <br />------------- � <br />That part. of the SYV� of SIN� of Sec. �5, T. 30, R. 23, described arore <br />garticul�rly as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of said 3ec. �5, ' <br />ther�ce�N. along the W. line of said Sec. 35 a distance of 183 f�eet, <br />thercc��at right angles and pa.rallel with the �. Iine e�f said 3ec. �� a <br />di�t�,nco .;: 1$3 feet; thence S. parallel with �he W. �.ina of sai+d Sec. <br />35 a d3stance oi 183 feet to �he S. line of saatd 3ec4 ��, thence� at <br />r�.ght anglds �. along sai�. S. ].i,ae a distance of 183 feet to the point <br />t�f beginnin�g; sub�iect to Lex�ington Avenue over th�e W. 49. 5 feet the� �� <br />c�i and subject to County Ro�d D oyer �he 3. 33 feet there oi. <br />ApparBnt record owners: The American 4i1 Company, (Maryland Corp.� � <br />-- -------- � <br />The W. fi0 �eet of Lot 1, Black 1, Josephine Lake Park, Ramsey Countg, <br />Minnesota. <br />Appa.reat recdrd owners: Richard J. B�.mbery and 3hirleq A. <br />Bambery, husband and wife, (as jo�.at <br />tena.nts ) . <br />---�--------- � .� �.,, � <br />� ;-�;�` *� �'''�-r ��fi-�'� ^ �- � ;� 6 :�� <br />�` _ �� <br />��.� <br />