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� <br />� <br />f <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />a <br />r� ��904��� is a desired o�ujLGtlVi: t0 bG reach�?Cif p��pOIICy�� is an officiai <br />course adopted and followed by iocal govcrnm:;n�1 in striving to attain the <br />desired goals. Thc general godls and policies upos� which the Viliage <br />Development �lan is based are contained in �'ianning Report P�lo, 2, <br />Policy and Goals. <br />Thc concept of "palicy planning" is guite new in iLiinnesota and is, in <br />fact, relativ�ly new in actual practicc throughout much of the nation. It <br />may seem obvious b rnany that gcn�ral goais and ��olieies are need�d on <br />which t� bas� general and cJ::tailcd community d�vel�pment plans; the truth <br />is, howcvcr; that ��nly fihe ver}� broades�r aolicies and goals have b�en applied <br />to �lan making in mosf cammuniti�s. <br />The Viilage of ShureviEw is changing as is th�: entirc Twin Cities !Y?etropolitcsn <br />� larea, This changc v�ii1 c��ntinue and this chang� can b� beneficia) or <br />detrimental depcndir �pon the decisions reached �y government, privat� <br />�nterprisc, an�" indi . ival citizens. <br />LJ <br />�.l <br />� <br />� <br />[ -J <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />It is suggested t'�at change can b�: guide.�d a�d co�troflcd in Shoreview in �t <br />mann�r consistent with the philosuphy of the frce enterpr�se system and a <br />free soci`t}�. If Shor�view is to reiain its �r.�s�nt desirable characteristics, <br />urban planning is rcquired to guidc and contro! chang�. 1f suitabl� plans <br />are to be d�v::lopcd, �h�::y should be bas�:d upon a ruasonable set of policies <br />and goals for the ar�a as deterrnined by th� ci�iizcns. Decisions can be made <br />within the broad fram:;work of a comprehensive plan or they can be made <br />ii���ep�ndent �f such a plan, The �nd resuli`s r�ay be order and �:fficiency, <br />and beauty or th�y can bc. haphazard, ugly� cxpcnsive, and inefficient, <br />The basic questi��n is, "V�hat kind of urban areas da we want to live in?" <br />Our determination of this is ��ur "goal" anc! th,; official course adopted and <br />than follow�d by loca) govemm;�nt in striving to attoin the goal is community <br />deve (opmcnt "po i icy ." I t may w;;1 l b�: that the s:: tti ng ��f po I icy and goals <br />will be far mor�: i�nportant �than the dcv;;lopmcnt of data and plan maps for <br />physical devclopmont, zoning, subdivisi��n regulatians, housing ccdes� and <br />th� lik�, i��any suital�lc plcns can bc c��velopt�c n�rmally to match one <br />set of policy and gcals. Hcnce, 'rh:: fundament�al valucs ond goals of the <br />citizens must bcc.m�: a much grcat�r influeiic� in the planning af our <br />physical �nvironment at t�� locaf I�v�l of govcrnment. <br />0 <br />