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e —, <br />�' ` <br />' -) <br />I� .I <br />� <br />� <br />�' J <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />I� <br />� <br />� <br />way usage. While a s�andard goal might be ro have <br />about 25 percent of the iand in pubiic right-c�f-way, <br />this is not possibl� in Shoreview due to its lac�tion, <br />pliysica) charocteristics, and the Qresence af fre�ways <br />which corisumP large amounts of Icsnd. <br />Railraods The �mount of {and utilized !�y rai{roads is nat iikely t�o <br />be significantly increased nor is ii- likeiy to be decreasecl. <br />Some additiona{ rracl<c�g� may be needed For spur linos <br />into future industriai arec�s although no mojor rbute changes <br />are expecied. <br />Water !as the land u5e projection table indicates, it is possible <br />that the amount of area in wat�r could be increased <br />thraugh dredging of low areas, creafiion of ponding areas, <br />and other m�ans. <br />LowaWet flPeas Eventually, much of the existing swampland could be <br />developed for urban use. rvodence inclicates tl�at <br />some swamp areas are nat dee� and have a limited <br />amount of muck with a sand bottom. Due to highe� <br />development costs, {iowev�r, it is not fikely that all <br />oF the swampland will be developed r�uring the next thirty <br />years. S�ome swampiand shouid be retained in its natutQ9 <br />state even if there is economic pressvre For deveiopment; <br />such areas can be ��sec! For pubiic open space, dre�inage- <br />ways, hiking trails, ponding area for sterm water, wild- <br />IiFe habitat, and similar uses, It is suggested that at <br />least 700 acres be retain�c� in various parts of the Village <br />Far th� uses listed abovc. <br />Vacant Land By !he yec�r 2000, ( i ttle or no bu i Idable vacant (anc! <br />� �,vill rem�ain. By thafi year, intense urbon developmenfi <br />wil) extend to the nor�h well 64yond Shor�view. <br />� ToPal Developed �uring the next thirty years, more than 4,000 acres of <br />Land iand wi Il be dev�lo��d fer a variety of urban uses in <br />Shor�view. This is mor� than double the amount of <br />� existing developed orea� 1'hc manner in �vhich this <br />developrnent oGcurs will determine the c{uality of fihe <br />living and workiny environrien�. <br />� <br />� <br />LJ <br />� <br />