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� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />�. Some (and parcels have ppparantly ;�een zoned commercial in fihe <br />past to accor�nmodate specific uses suci� as radio transmitting bwers; <br />while such areas may be suitable ;or such a specific use, they are <br />not suitable For general commercial us� which is permitted by the zoning <br />classi�icaPion, In the Future, sucli areas should be zoned for residential <br />with transmiti�ing towers, rest liomes, and �ther uses permitted by <br />special use permit only. This �roc�dure will protect the area ¢rom <br />gen�ral commercial usage when s�eci,�ic projects are not developed <br />in accordance with provisions o; a condii�ional use permit. <br />d• There shou Id not be a spec ial �oning distric fi for rest homes; these sliould <br />� be permittecl oniy by special use perr�ii- in residential districts, <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />LJ <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />LJ <br />!-J <br />� <br />e• School an� other public properfiy sfiould not have a special zoning <br />classi�icc�tion. Public londs (existinc� arid potent�c;) should be zoned <br />for tliot private use which woul� !�� ��ios� app�pPriate if the land <br />shoufd re��nain or be convertec' bac!< to private ownership. Potentia! <br />public land should not be zoned as sucli since this would be con- <br />fiscation of property rights �vitfiout just campensation. <br />4• Land Use and Coning <br />Although zoning may be and has been used �or a greot variety oF purposes, <br />it is essentialiy a means of ensuring that land uses of the community are pro rl <br />sitvated in relation to one anather. %�oning helps ossure that Qdequate 5pt��� Y <br />is available �or each type of develo�menfi an� the density af development in <br />each area is held a'r a level which can �e �roperly served by such public <br />focilities as the streets, schools, recrearion, and utilities systems. Goning <br />also nssures ihat caevelopment is suFfeciently <br />and privacy for persons living Qnr! �vor!<inr, a�,�. hn,t r4 Provide light, air, <br />tre within the community, <br />Loning is probably the single most im;�artr�nt legal device availoble for <br />carrying o�t the Compreher�sive p�v�loprncn� Plan of a communi <br />mc�y be deFined as Phe division of a commu+�ity into districts trnd egul Pton wilhin <br />fihose districts of: (1) the height and bul!; of auildingS and oth�r strucPures; <br />(2) thc percentage �f a(ot thc�t may �;, ���; ,t� �,nd t�,e size of required ards <br />and other open spaces; (3) ti�e densifi; oF �s�; and (4) the use of buildings and <br />land. <br />EFFective zoniny must be �'aastd upon the c�r,�prehensive land use pl�n in <br />accordance wit�; the goals, palicy, anc' standards. The land use p(an indicates <br />Phe proposed use For all land in thc Vil(agc, and to the extent possible, the <br />25 <br />