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L� <br />�-1 <br />� <br />� <br />S. <br />�� <br />L <br />C� <br />� <br />0 <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />zoning ordinance text and zoning district ma� should reFlect such proposals. <br />The (and use plan, how�ver, inc ludes variaus iand use proposals that cannot <br />be directly ef�ectuated through zoning, i,� sucn instances, the land use plan <br />may show vareous I�nd use proposals fihafi �7ay �� considc:r�d as "desirabJe" <br />from the stand�aoint of overal! comrrunity cevelopment but, �or various reasons <br />may not be zoned for such use at th� present fii�ne or the economic demand <br />may not aris� for such development. <br />The success of zoning depends primarily upnn t{ie eFfectiveness of the daily <br />administration and �nforcernent oF th� provisions of th� ordinance. i�lo <br />matter how well the zoning ordinance is prepared, if its regulations and <br />p�ocedures are not adhered to or poorly eniorced, it will be ineffective. <br />Knowledge anc; an understanding oF zonin� ancf its relationship to sound <br />pian�ing wil) �oster community support. I� t��is atmosphere, the beneFits <br />o� praper �levclopment will be achievcu sirce filiey are guided by sound <br />zoning controls ancl because there will �::isr a �roper environment for <br />zoning enForcement. <br />$uk�divisinn <br />$ubdivision re3ulations along wit{i t��� zani,-�g o�dinancc are the two major <br />meQns by which t{i� Village can bring t�1c Lanc Use Plan into eFfect. These <br />reguiatior�s provida the standords upon Y��'�icli t��e division of iand into lots <br />will be based. U�/i�iiout an eFfectiv� s�t o� subdivisior� regulations, hapozard <br />land development would result whicl, ���ouid ao a detriment Po the Village in <br />�-�any respect�s. The cost oF providing �ubl're service�s to an impropea�ly sub- <br />divided orea are an unfair dreain on a co���munity`s limited r�venues. Tl�e <br />problems caustd hy the inconv��nience oF trav�l Fror� ane area to another <br />within the com�-nu�ity can o(t�n giv� thc ca�munity a very poor irnoge. <br />The piec�meal planning of subdivisio,�s �:�it,,out regard to a comprehensive <br />development �ian results ir� a c!isconn�cted patte�n oF deveEopment which <br />is detrim�ntal to t���� community in s�v��rvl �vays. The hvo mos� evident <br />�isadvantages are increasee� pu�lic �.:rvi�;, costs cne� extreme congestion <br />and in��ficiency. In c�rder that r�,�v: suL.�ivi�ior�s �vill contribute towarc� <br />an aftrocPivc, orucrly, stcble anc,, wi-,�Icso,,;,; co,��munity environment, <br />adequat� ��,��nicicai serviccs. anc •��`ici��}t >>ov�nent oF tra�fic and oll <br />division� of lan; �latted ��:ithin t�,e ��illan� s.'�ou1cJ eom�ly •,vith a set o� (�gally <br />�nact�c! su�ivision re�ulatiorzs, Th;:s;., rc:,uiatior; wil) be formuloted with <br />Ph� goals, ;�olic,y-, standards ond pl�ns o; i��_ `.�iPlcqe as a background. <br />2ti <br />