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� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />� <br />� <br />, <br />� <br />i <br />r <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />G. <br />7. <br />Special studies oi a dctailed natur� �vil! �e requircd to provide for improved <br />interscctions at hh� follo4ving points: <br />a) <br />b) <br />c) <br />c� ) <br />�-' � <br />f) <br />J) <br />�� ) <br />Int�rsec�ion oi �?ic� Strec:t and Gramsic i oad <br />Intersc•ction t�i Ric� Strec�t and Hic�'�wuy i�o. 49 (branch off to northwest) <br />Int�:rs�ction of Rice Struct �nd hiirhway No. 96. <br />Inicrs�c�ion of ;��c�hway No. 49 ancl �ii�hway No. 96. <br />Lexin�ton f\��enuc at its int.:rsccfiin� points with Counfiy Road E, County <br />Ro��l �, r-I i�7h4vay- No .`�b, County �oad l, and County Road J. <br />Inturscction oS Victoria and Counfiy (�ocd �. <br />Int::rsuctiori of Victoria and Lakc: Owasso Goulcvard. <br />Int��rs�.ction '.,�fiw.:cn Victori� Strccfi anc! rdgcwater Avcnuc. <br />�'��hilc al{ int�rsc.ctions and intcrchan��s �vill requirc: continuous study, those <br />listed a5ovc ar:: consid�r�d thc most critical. <br />Prohibit parkin;; on all major stre.:ts. <br />�. As an aicl to traf�ic circulation and �or uth�:r r..�asons, a uniform street naming <br />and numb,.rirn; systcm is n��dcc! in thc Villc�o. Such a system, however, should <br />b�. utiliz��a throu�l��o�fi th� County an� not ;ust in Shoreview. <br />9. �1s mor. cnc .,�or� �.:opfu utiliz.: th� ia�:c a��as, it witl probably bccomc nccessary <br />ro plac� srm. r�stric,`ions upon th� typ�: an� us� of watercraft. For exampic;, it <br />may b� u�sira:.�l� to limit LakL Judy to cc�r�>. a whilu othcr lakes may rcquiro a <br />mot�r ;�iors.:pow�:r r..striction. <br />10. $tv��ral ar�cS in t!�.. Villc,�� hrn�� b�.��n ;�ropos:;�' in thv past for (ocating high TV <br />brocxicas�in�� tow�rs an� th��r.. is som�: yu..siion es to th�ir possiblc conflict with <br />flic�ht patt�.rns, ..s;>��ially arounc' th� f`.noka �-tiirport. As is thi casc with mass <br />�ransi;, }'„s '��ns�.c.t��ic�-I�;,:' ;;sz r::,`�l�:": �1CS ('Cf'yfOC',dI im�licaticns whtch <br />must E-� r�IG��c ic iccal consid4ratio,^,s in'��� final analysis. <br />-; � <br />