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.�. <br />3. (continued) <br />an:i nortnerl;y exter�s� ons fihereor' rrom a point on �he sotitherly line <br />of said Tr��.ct J dist�.nt �0 feet east �f th�t southcaesterly corner <br />of said Tract J�tirhicn is on the sou�;h Iine of Sec��.on I0, Tokmship 29 <br />R�'��e 23 to ,� poirtt distant 17 feet south of the north line of said <br />Traci, �; a.nd lying south of the north 17 feet of aaid T� acts F�.nd E. � <br />Subject to hightaa;�} �.� evicienced by C�rtificate of Title #203606, <br />Vol�me 4S� �age I06, �Ated Dec J 1962, <br />�• Target �toree, Inc., is tne owrier of the followin : <br />e� all that part of Tr�.ct J, Reg�.$t���d Zand Survey Noe 8�ut�yfn feet , <br />north �f a line Cl@�r',?"'ibea �,s follot.�s: Be�inning �,� �, poin� on the <br />mo�t �JeetErly line o,^ said Tr�.ct J�n� 61 feet so�ath of the <br />north�aeQt corner thP r e� f; t hence running easterly �,t �,n �g1e of 89 <br />d.egrees 28o to �aici ZdGBtP�''1y I_ine (measured from nor�h to ea�t), 23p <br />�'ee� t� an intersec�ion �ith a line hereinafter deecribed; �,nd ����n� <br />t,rest ol" a lin�, running nort�i par�,lle1 to the �•resterly linea of s�.id <br />Tr��.ct J and northerly extensions theY��of from a point on the southe.rl'�': <br />line of said Tract J dista,nt IIO fe�t e�,st of tha� southwes�erly <br />corner of s�.ia Tr,�,ct J which is on the �ou�h line of Sect�on 10, <br />Township 29, Range 23 t� a point dlsta.nt �0 �'eet nor'Cr of �,fore <br />d�scribed line running easter1y; Ps evj.d�nc���i by Cer�; "_"�,te of T��tle . <br />�302b05, �Tolu�e 454 ��,�� 1�5, dated Dec 5 196z. <br />5. <br />�irlcl�ir Refini no Conp�.ny, �,s the owner of: T11e So�,�th 183 fee'� <br />%��gt 3�7 fe�t of the Sou�i���est � of `he So�atht�e�t � of Seeti on <br />To���riship 29, R�ng� 2�, euU�ject to County Road B and SubjPet to <br />Hi`�;hti���lys; ��.s evidPnced by C�rtificate #159430, �Ta1�u�ne 365 page <br />dated M�,r 25 �955. <br />� � a i � � �, ���--�..�-.�. r�'�,�,' <br />of the ;;: <br />� (7 , <br />�28, <br />6. Helen Stren�;lis, is the a�vner of: The Nor�h 5� feet of' the �au�r� <br />�'�3 feet of the itirest 3�? fee� oz' trle �outh�vest -� of the Sau-�hwest � <br />�f �e�tion 10, Toj�rn;;h�.p 29, R�.nge 2�, subjecu t� hi�Y��a�y; ae evidenu- <br />ed b;' C�;t= ; i c,;.�P of Title ,��'14719, Vol urne �76 page 21q, dated <br />Jan � IS��, <br />7. :�o4E Buildin� Cor�or�.�i�n, is tl�e c�aner of: A�1 that part of tY�e <br />,r,.ost i-resterly 15o feet of Tr�.ct J, '�,��iatered Land Survey No. 86, <br />lyin� between t�•�o .lines, both runnirl� :�l «,1_a��_ to and d�,St�� <br />res��ectively 2J� fePt and 268 feeN north of tri� r,autYx ].ine of Sectian <br />10, T�i,�nerip 2Q, �?an�e 2�?, also, ��.11 th�.� part oi' the mc�st r��esterly <br />� 5� f��� of Tract J, �e,�istFned Lan� �urvey Ivo. �Sb, lying eouth of � <br /> runnin`� �ara11_E1 to ��n�i �i�t=:nt 2�3 fAet north oI^ the south line <br />or 'ection 1�7, to�rn�hip 2�?, Ran�e 23; as ev�denc�d U: C�rtifieate of <br />7.'it1P, �ZC��?59 (, Q^ �E'Q DeC 5�yb�:. <br />.�bcve �Y'O_�P?"•t;�' i� sub,ject to a, cantr�.ct f'cr QPP.C� runrl�ng to Charles <br />�ubensteir., P�art:ir. Leb?dof f and. P�Iary Lebedafz . <br />8. Rose Bui]dir,� Corporaticn, is �rP o?;�neT� of; A]'_1 that part of 'Tract J, <br />:j�'�i�'���rea L�_���A �t;rvey ��'o. 86, I�Tin� ivor��-: of �, line runnin� parallel. <br />to a.n� ������n� 2g3 ��...-t nor�i� oi ;,ne EOU�Gt^_ line of sectian 10, Town— <br />`rlip �9, :?�.ri.;e �3 a�-d � yin�; �,res�t of a � ine runnino <br />noi�i,'r� para? 1e1 to <br />���' �': �� �Qrl��` �ine� af sai.d Tract J fror� a point on th� a�utherly line <br />o� sai� Trnct J 80 fee� e�st af that south�•-esterly af ��.id <br />(Contiz�ued) <br />