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0 <br />�s . <br />�. . <br />8. (Continued) <br />Trr�ct J which is on �aid soutr: line of �ection 10, e.nd lying south o�' <br />� lin� descr�bed a� follow�: Be� �t a point orl the most weet- <br />erly l�ne of sRid Tract J �i:lstant 61 feet south of the noriY�we�t <br />cor�ner tr.�reof; thence runr_ing ��;st�rly �.t a.n angl_e of 89 degreee 2,8� <br />t o said �,�E st er] y line ( me �stireci fror� north to eaet ) to an intersect- <br />i�n �,�ith s��id 1ir�e runnin� n�rth, exce:�t the ER�t 30 feet ther�of. <br />k1so, A1I that ��ri, �f Tract J, Re�istered Land Survey No. $6, lying <br />bett�re�n t��. o lin.ea, b�th runnin� a�.rallel t� ar�d d�stan� r�ep�c�ively <br />�S3 feet and 283 feet north of the soutr. 1:ine of Sectian 10, To�n�- <br />8I'li U 29, Ran�•e 23�r,d iying i��est of a. line runnin� nor�h parallel to <br />the westerly line of Tra.ct J from �, point an th� eouther�.3r line ,°' <br />�f a�.id Tr�ct J cYistan� 80 feet east of that �outhwe8terly corner of <br />said ir�.ct J tahich is �n s�.1d sauth lin� of secti on 10, ex�et�� �the <br />sonth 15 fPet of �the west �.SG feet thPreo� . Also, Th� ��.�t 3Q f�et <br />o� that part �f Tract J, Fe�i�tered La,nd Survey No. 86, 1yin�; nvrth <br />of a lirie rurining paral_1.Q1 to and distant� 283 fee� nor�h of the e�u'th � <br />line o� Section Z0, To��:�nship 2g, Ra,ngE 2� a.nd lyin� r��est of a 1in� x:'-`I <br />running north para.Ile1 to the �,��sterly ] ines of s�,id Traet J from a <br />point on the scutr�erly line af said Tract J diatant $Q feet �ast of <br />th�,t southwe�terly corner of s�id Tract J��hich _t.s an said soutn <br />line of SPction 10 and lying south of �. linc� c�e�cri�ed a� follows: <br />b�ginnin • at a poinr rn the most ��esterl�� I�ne of said Tract J' <br />:iistant �1 feet snuth of thP northwest corner thereof; thence running ;; <br />easterl,y at an an�1e of 89 de;rees 28' to wester:ly linE (meaeured <br />i'rt�m north to e�.s�) ta a�� intersection with said �ine running northa <br />,�.s evideticea by Certificate of Title #20359g, V�1�.zme �54 pag� 9�, <br />:�atEa Dec 5 1q62. <br />�bov� pro��erty� is subject to a contrRct #'a.r deed running to Charles <br />�uberlstein, Shel�on �ubensein, M�rLin Lebedoff and Mary Lebec�off. <br />�.S 1� (� . �� � S-r <br />°. D-X Sunray Oi7 Corr,�a.ny ;darranty Deed <br />� <br />De1 Corp D�,ted Aug 9 19�7 <br />to Filed Seot 3 195% (,�.s; <br />C<�r�iin,;.l Ser��ice :�tations, 1�59 De�ds 409 <br />Znc. , Okl� homa C;orp #��35u5� �( ��b p <br />�� <br />The ���ort:r� 1.7� feet of the E:at 1�:0 f'eet of the �ti'est 70Q feet of the <br />I�ortr<<,�est ,��, of �ection 1 S, To�;�r7ship 2�, Ra.n�e ?3, subject to Coun�y <br />Ro���l Bo Abosre pror;�rty is auuject tc� a lease running t� D-X Sunray <br />C?i.Z C�mp��ny. <br />10. Tr.e Toby Co�p�riy �: <br />�1�: O'_"S�t': �' c�i �.)jJ Oj�c'C�. � <br />L C� <br />Har-.�;.:Zr, � 11COi•�OY'2tE'� � <br />;,'(i I'1� CO�y"� <br />'��tarr��nt�,� �eed <br />D��.t ed J�r� 2 196Q <br />r'i 1 eci J�.n 1. 3 1960 <br />���� RC� ��4 <br />�z �02776 <br />:all tr�=�t ��rr o� �he :iort'r_P.,�eEt � a�r th� :�or�'ri;•�est � �f Sectian l�, <br />ToT��rnship ��%, ^�n�,e 2 j, aeqcri �ed <�.s folioG���: Co�r:lenc� n� at �he narth- <br />,.. est cor:ler of ,,�; c�;�1�� of tr�e �;';�� , th�nce soutr. ��long the west l ine <br />of s�x'_z �� �8� feet, trence e:.�t n_�d par<,.11e1_ to �r:e n�rtn line of <br />��;iu ��i f� � eet; th-nce so�.,�h �.n:�i �aral? �i „�ith the w st 1� i1P. of <br />:.=aic� �` �0 :�eet; the�ce e��t a:�u p��_r�llel to ��-�e nori,h line of said <br />�� ta tr�� e�st lir� o, ��.iz �, t��ence nort!�i _�lon� s�.iry Cast 1in� to <br />�he �,ta���:�east corne:� of s-.i� <z4i thence west alon� the �lorth iine <br />(c�ntinued) <br />