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That part of the Northwest 1/4 �f �ectian 3, Township 29, Range 23, <br />in Ramsey County, lying w�sterlsr of th� next line of The �innesot� <br />�ransfer �ailway Company main line right-Qf-�ay, and South o� th� <br />Sou�h lin� o� the Northern Facific Railway C�mpany rigtit-of-�ayb <br />except the �est 2018 fe�t thereof and except th� South 11�0 feet <br />t�ereof. � ` <br />�� � � �,�`��'...��,�;' ��d��' <br />Appare*�t recar� owner: a9innesota Transfer Railway Com�any. � <br />ThP ST. PACiL ABSTRACT ANB TITLE GUARP►PiTEE COM�APIX does hereby certif� <br />that from an exam�nation of the reeords in the �al Es�t�.te p�vision <br />in the affa.ce of ih� Registe�° of Deeds and/or Reg3.strar c�� Titles, in <br />; and for the �ounty of �amsey and St�.t� of Mir�nes��taP it �.ppears th�.t <br />;; the ap�arent owner or owr�ers oF the pr.op�rty withxz� a radius o� �50 <br />'� feet of th� above property, are �.s follows : <br />;; � <br />1. `� �'hat part of the I�I�'r� of Sec, 8, T. 29, �.. 23, lying �Yly c�i l�i.axnes�t� <br />', Transfer Railway C�mpany right-�f-�ay and Siy o� the Northe�rn Pacifi.c <br />Ra,i.lway Company right-oi--way except tl�e EYest 200� �eet th�r�af and <br />�; excep� that part oi tfie Id�� of Se�. �, �', 29, R. 23, ir� Ramsey County, <br />`� lying W1y of the next Aine o� The �innesuta Transfer Rai.lway ��ampany <br />'� m�.in �.ine right�of-way, and S. of the S. Zine of the Id�rthern Pa,ci�ic <br />�° Rai�.way Cc+mpany r3.ght-of�way, ��cept the Wo 201� fee� �thereoi a�d except <br />;, the S. �.QO feet thereof . ' <br />:; , � �, � 7 � ���� . ���� <br />`` �lpparent r�cord owner: Minnesota. Transfer Raxlway Company, <br />2, ;; That part af the N�t'� a�f S�c. �, T. 29, R. 23, described as foll�ws: <br />� The �. 40� �eet of the j�. 2000 fee�, lyi.r�g N�rYly of The Minnesa�a Trans- <br />;� ier R�,il�ay �Compa.ny line right�oi�way and s. of a line describ�d <br />� ;i �,s fmllow�: Beginning at the p��.nt of intersec��on oi the S. i�ne o� <br />' Rose F�ace �.nd a line which is parallel to ancl 160Q feet 7C. cf the '�, <br />' li�e of the NW� cf S�ec. 8, T. 29, R. 23; thence S� �n said paral�el <br />' line 523.87 feet to the p�.ace of beginning a� �o be de�cribed; <br />"' thence E. at raght angles �00 f�et to end �f line; except the E. 4 <br />feet of ih� W. 1604 feet af the �. 910 feet af s�id NW� �cnd exc pt <br />'� Cc�unty R4ad B-2 . (Tarrens) . � �""� s �� . <br />� % ` <br />Apparent record owner: 01ci Dutch Foo�is, Inc., (Minn. Cor�.) <br />3, A11 that part of the NW� of Sec. 8, T. 29, R. 23, beginning a.t a point <br />on the W. line of said NW�, ;.111.4 feet S, of the NjY corner of said <br />Sec. 8; thence N�ly at an appx•aximate angle oi 84�6'40" �t� said We line, <br />I608.5 �eet, which line is parallel and 100 �eet, S, of the Northern <br />Pacific Railway C�mpany's right-of-way io the point o� beginning o� t�ie <br />pro�erty to be described: <br />Commencing at the la�� d�scribed point; �hence 5. and parallel �o the <br />w, line of said NW�, 5�3.87 feet; �thence E, at right angles 4�0 feet; <br />thence N. and parallel to the �y. 3.ine of. the sa�d ��, 565,13 feet; <br />thence S�ly paral.lel and 100 feet �. of the N�rthern Pacific Railway <br />Company's ri�ht-of�-way 402.12 feet, to th� place of beginning, <br />ing 5 acres � (Torz•ens) o <br />�d <br />`�,� � � � � �� ���.>�-•..�,��,. ,� .� <br />Apparent record owner: Reuben L. Anderson. � - <br />4. All that part o� the Nti'l4 of Sec. 8, T, 29, R. 2 3, lying N. �f the Nly <br />lin� of the right-of-way by the M& St, L Railway Coe (now <br />owned bv N. P, 1Zailway Co.) and ly�ing E, c� a line running S, at ri�ht <br />angles to the N. af said NW� ironz a pc�int thereon distant �.134.58 <br />fePt ��, of the NE corner of said N`Y� and lying `�. of a line running S a <br />at right angles to saicl N. line of the N�N� from a point thereoa�. distamt <br />363 feet w. c�f the �'�ly right-of-way line of b4innesota �'ransfer Railway <br />Company �measured on said N. line) and lyirag NiYl� of a lin� descri�ed <br />as follows: <br />� (over) <br />