<br />5.
<br />�.
<br />�
<br />0
<br />Beginni.ng at a pmint on said N. iine of the N�i'�, d�.5tant 53 fe�t �.
<br />of last named right-of-�ay line (measured ort said N. line); thence
<br />running �Wlp �t an angle o� 73°I5' to said N.�ine for a distance of
<br />33� ��et to a point; then�e Qn a, curve to th� ri�ht at a raaiius o�
<br />553,7 ieet(curve bPing tangent to last deseribed line at �.ast descri'be�i
<br />goir;t) to a,n intersection with lst aiaredescribed ri�h�L-of�-wa�r line.
<br />� � £� ! �""°t �'' � r='�: �„r�b*`�i�:.�.�,':'..,a.:<�"�'"+, ._ � � . .
<br />Agg�arer�t record awner : Transp�r� Pro�aerties, Inc. ,�iinn . Cor�. )
<br />$�ginning �.i a point in $he N. line of �ec. 8, �". 29, �. 23, d�s`tar�i�
<br />�63 iee� �o of. the Hly rig�i� c�f way 7Lxn�� o� the �innesc�t�. Transfer
<br />Rax�.�ay Campany, �►hicr, righ�-��-��.y lin�� i� paral.lel wi��h and dista�nt
<br />5� feet �viE-, measured �.t right angles from the center line of the s�aid
<br />Minnesota. 7�ransfer Rai�.way; t%enc� �. a7�ong the N. line o� saic� �ec:. S
<br />a dista�re of 31O ��et to a point 53' �„ of the �lq li.ne o� said M3.n�a�-
<br />sota Tra���fer RaiZway Company's right �� wa�; thence ��.g a3ong a i�.ne
<br />making ax� �.n��,� of 73°I5' in the �� qu�.�.r�,n� a distance mf 330 �e�i:
<br />to a point o� curve ;�hence al.ong a curve �o t�.e right, hmving a r�cdius -
<br />oi 553.7 f�eet, said e�rve being t�,ngent to the 7.�,�t-d�scrzlaed line at
<br />the last-described poini, to �he iniexsec�ion of said curved li�e t�ith
<br />a line drawn ��y from the point o� begin�ing �nd at right �ngles �c� th�
<br />At. line of said Se� 0 8; thence Nly along the las�-menta.oned r3gI2��-ang�,e '
<br />].i.ne tc� �he point of beginning; subject to publi� easement in �h� I�.
<br />33 feet of the abov�-descri�ed premisas, Ra.msey County, i�innesota.
<br />Appar�er�t r�ecord owner: United Properti�s Incarporal�ed, ' n , �"�.
<br />Cor p . ) "�-� �"
<br />That certairi txa.ct of Iand in NE� of NW� o� ��eco �, '�. 2�, R. 23y d�-
<br />scri��a �as f'ollows : Beginning at a point on the Ida �.ine of sa3d
<br />Sec. S w:h�r� the same is intersected by th� ��Fly right a�f way xi.ne of
<br />t�ie Mirineso�:a, Transfer Ra�l�� �Cflmpany a�hich right of w�ay line is garaZ� '
<br />lel wii�h anc� distant 5� feet �11y m;easured at r3ght angl.es, from t:he
<br />center line of the main track of saic� �innesata Transfer Railway;
<br />thence �'. alc�ng said hT. line 53 �eet tr� a g�oint; thence SIy �Iong �.
<br />line making an angle of 73°�5' in the S�y quadrant a distance of 330
<br />feet to a pr�int of curve; then�e along a curve to the right, having a
<br />rada.us of 553. ? feet, said curve bea�ng tan�ent to last describe�i aine
<br />at last described point, a distance o� 517 �ePt m�are or iess, tr� �
<br />point on the Pily line of the right of way of the N�orthern Pgcific Ra31-
<br />way Comp�.ny, for �ts Minnea�olis Branch, which righi of way i3.n� is
<br />garallel with and dis�ant 50 feet Nly measured at right ar�gles, �rom the
<br />center line af the main track of the Minne�,polis �ranch; thence Ely
<br />along the last mentioned parallei Iine ta the wly right of way line �f
<br />t�ie Minnesota Transfer Railway Company; �h�nce Nly along the Minnesata
<br />Transf er �ailway Company righ� of wa� line t� the point of beginning,
<br />contai�ing 1.53 acres more or lPss.
<br />Apparent record awner: Co�th�rn Pacific Kailway Compar�y,�Wisc.
<br />p • / r% � �, r��� ,
<br />0
<br />�'. A 100 foot right-of-way across the W� of 5ec. 8, T. 29, R. 23.
<br />'�� � �t �,t.�...�9� �-.-.-�._._
<br />Apgarent rer,c�rd OWnP..r.: �iinnesota Transfer Railway C�mpany. �
<br />-----------------
<br />g. A 7,00 loot power compan� right--of-way in the �'�� of Sec. 8, T. �9,
<br />R.�3.
<br />A�parent r�c�rd owner: N�rthern States Power CQmpa�:y.
<br />___--�------------ � � � �v �,,,,���..�.��
<br />