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!. . � . ,� . � l ���i�f � �•'I �; . � 1 . � ., <br />. ` . <br />Tl�c pi�oposed ct�t;�ic,pwent_ �:�..:�:�.t:• ��.. .�,,: ,.. .:'_ �i���; ui�zC� ..�.,ic;, <br />could be expecCed to generat� from G to 800 �ehiculAr �ripa per <br />cisg�. (�sauming appro�imat�ly G to i3 �rips per apartment unit) <br />This is nat an umdUe traf�ic load fU� tl�e area involved r:ut <br />�ugge8te that f�r the total developmen� more �han one entrance <br />would be desiruble. We do not fe�l zhat tlie 6 tc� 800 vehicular <br />Cripe �ould be a particular probl�:z� with respect to accesa t� Rice <br />Stree[ in-ae-much 8s �hie vo?ur�e is coneiderably leas than that of <br />major thorou�hfare� entering Rice Street a� frequent points fxom <br />St. Paul norti�ward. It ie hawevea�, c�ue�ti.onab�e volume to be aerved <br />by a Gul -de-eac . T"he cul -de-aac as propoaecl would be appraximately <br />700' �aa lengt�a and whe:r.�e tt�i� Sin�le Famtly development would nQt <br />be � p�;rticular problem. '1'he obv�oua solution to thi� p�oblem, of <br />couzee, is to pro�ide an acceas tcr the +�eat connectir�g M.�rion Stxeet <br />to the cul-de-�ac propo�ed in the de�elopmevt at ths� W��terly �and. <br />Thi$, of course, introducea ��e queetion ae to the amount of traf£i� <br />whicb might use this secondary acc.ess as an egre�e �.�ia Minnesota <br />Avenu+�. Such traffic, thou;h lees thr�n that of �aajor thorou��area <br />w�,th Sit�gle F'amily Residential fran.:age is r.o particular aeset to <br />the Single Fawily area to the wes� and north. <br />b.Development Density - The plan subm�.tt�d �t the laat meeting has been <br />changed raducing t'ne number of dwelling units so es to eonform to th� <br />proposed deneitiea of 1?00 equar� feet per �iragle hedroom unit and <br />2500 �quare feet p�r two bedroom unit, The lt►nd area thus required <br />would be ��2,80Q equar� feeC� The land area (Werner �nd Maier <br />proFertiee) con�i�ts of 5.13 acres or 223,150 aquare feet. The deve- <br />lopzn�nt conaiets of four i7-unit structuses and five 8-uniC atructur�s. <br />The unite closesC to the rear lo� lin�s of the Sing�e F amily 8e�iden - <br />tial erea to thc north are structuress thee� �tructuses being <br />plec�d approximately <<Q' at its nearnst paiut £rom the rear 1ot line�, <br />Parking ie accommodat�d at the praposed ratP of 1.5 ap�ices pes dwelliug <br />unit or 162 toeal spacee. <br />c�De�i Concept � In ir would ��ppear �hat the de�ign propoa�d <br />ae ��n well �haught out and c�ou�.d if dev�luged in �ccordance Mith the <br />plan conerite�te ane of th e battier plaan�d res�d�ntial areae in the <br />Vill�ge. The new density xequfrcmaats have provided apace for recreation8l <br />area� leaviug adequate room for parking, accesea and th� yard r�quire- <br />ments. The desi�u is definiCely euperior to the prevfou� de�ign sub- <br />mitted ancl p�nrticularlq better ehan the initial design which g�ouped <br />ail of th� pBrking in a single vast lot which we �eel wo�ld have been <br />unci�sireble, <br />doRelation�hip to Sing3.e FamilyA.4rea �- The change in z�ne would occu�c <br />at the rear lot liat�a of existin� �ingl.e fa� lots �o the west and <br />nurL-h. Where change fn zone� ar� neceEsary it is frequently best �o <br />hsve �uch c��nge along the xe3r l.ot iinee as has been the practice in <br />many cases in the Village in the pa�t� It appe�rs also �.n thia caBe <br />that th� ch8nge b� zone is �ade samec�h�t easiez in that the lote to <br />the north are 200'� in ciepth and at � coneidezable hi�her eievation <br />�uan the pxoperty fn que�tion� Not withstanding this however, rhe <br />single family hom�� on the eouth side of �Iinnegotia Stree� would overW <br />,�����', <br />