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�3ar�-Coil, Iilc�. , a lliil,���sota coi�i� ,?�ati��c1, <br />by �I'C'Sll�l�Il� �llll� ��'Ci'tt;ll'�"� }ll'I'�111�1ftC�i' <br />callccl "l)����c�lo����i•��, aiici I��1ill���r; 11oi�tg�i�c� <br />Cor��oi�atiuii, a llii�ncsota C.or�uration k�y <br />Preside�it a►i�i S�c�retaiy, 19oi-tsasc�e. <br />Dc cla T�atioiz of C�veilacits� COI1C�1t10I1S <br />aiid P-,estz'1Ct10I1S <br />Dated <br />Filed <br />Boolc RCR, Page <br />Fil e # Document # <br />Whereas, Developer is ihe owner• of <br />real prope�•ty described in r'1 rticle II of this Declaration, and desires to c��eate thereon <br />a residci111�11 coilimtiiiity �vitli pernlanent parks, playgrotinds, open spaces aiid other <br />COIllt11021 facilitit,s foi� f.l�e bcilefit of said COI11iZ1l1lllty, and �' <br />ti��hci•��as, I�evt�lop� i- desires to provicle for the presei•vatioil of t11e values and <br />ameliiii�s i�l s��id l.(�I11TIlUtllty aI1Cl fOI• the n:aintenance of said parks, playground�s, <br />open spaces arici othex• common facilities, and to this end desires to subject the <br />real pro�erty described in Article II, together with such additions as may ihere- <br />after• be rTlade thereta, as pi�ovi�ed in Article II, to tlze covenants, restrictioiis, <br />easc�ment�, chat�bes and lieils �ereinafter set forth, each and all of �vhi�h is and are <br />foz• the benefit of sai.d prope�•ty ar7c� each o�vner thereof, and <br />Whereas, Dev�loper has deemed it desirable fox• the efficient preservation of the <br />values and c1II1�IlLt1E?S ii1 said C0171I11Lllllty t0 creat� � n�gency to which should be <br />deleg�ted and assigneci the power•s of maintaining and adn��nistP�•ing the community � <br />proper•ties acid facilities and administering and enforcing the cavenants and r�striciions <br />and collecting and disbursing the assessments a.nd charges hereinafter ereated, and <br />Whereas, Developer has incorporated, undLi� the of the State of Minnesota, as <br />a non-profit corporation, the ��test���ood Village A�sociation foz• t��ie purpose oi <br />exercisin� the functions aforesai.d, - <br />Declare that the r�al property describe� in Article II and such additians thereto as <br />may her•eaftei• �e made pursuant to Ai�ticle IT hereof is, and shail be held, tyansferred, <br />sold, conveyed and occupied, subject to the covenants, restrictions, easemenis, <br />charges and liens (soznetimes z•eferred to as "covenants anci restrictions") hereinafter <br />set fortt�. <br />A PTICLE I. DEfinitiozls. Section 1. The following �s�ords, when used in this <br />�eclar•ati�n, or any supplernetital �ec�lai�ation (unless the contetit shall prohibit}, shall <br />have t}le follo�viri� meanings: . <br />a) "Associatian" shall mean and refer to 'tiVest�vood Village Association. <br />b} "��'estwoad �Tilla�e" shall mean and refer to �Vestwood Village Plai 1 and <br />to all sucl� existin� properties and additions thereto as are subjpct to this <br />Declaration or any s�.��plemenial declaration under the provisions of Article II hereof. <br />c) "�Qmmon Pi�o�erties" shall mean and refer to ihose areas of land shown <br />on any .recorded subdi�-ision plat of l�'est�c�aod Village and intend�d to be devoted to <br />the cor��inori use and enjoyment of the o��-ners af �Vestwood Village. <br />d) "Lot" shall mean and i•efer tc �ny plot of land sho�vn upon arly recorded <br />subdivision map oi ���e�t�vood Village, �vith the et�eption of Common Properties as <br />heretofore defined. <br />e) ".Livinb Unit" shall meail �nd refer to any portioii of a building situated upon <br />jtrest�vood Vi11a�e designated and intended for use and occupancy as a residence by <br />a sin�le family. <br />f) "pwner'� sha11 mean and z•ezer to tne record owner, whether one or more <br />persons or e:�tities, of the fee sim�le title to an�r Lot or Living Unit situated upon <br />�G'est�vood �rilla�ea b��t not�v:t��stanc��n� �n�- appl:c�ble theory of the mortgage shall <br />not meati o� r�fe� to the n�or�;;age un1e�� and unril suc}i mnrtgagee has acquired <br />title pu�suan� to foreclost�re or any p� c;ceeding in lieu o� forecl�sure. <br />g) '�ZIember'' �hali mear� and ?'E.'f�r to all O«�nr rs �t.ho are rmembers of the <br />�ss�cia�io^ a� pro�-ide� in _'lrticle III, Sectio:l l, hereof. <br />h) "De�-etop��r" �h�ll r.�eal� and refer `o Ban-Con, L�zc. , its successors and <br />assi�ris, if �uch �ucc���so_r� o:�• assi�n� s�_o�:ld acc,�.<ire more than or�e undeveloped <br />LU� IiL�?Tl tilt D�i'�10.'Jt"' iJi, iFIE' pLi:P05e of deve'=_op�-�er.�, <br />A RTICL E II. P.•ope ��tti- � ubject to :hi� D�cZa ra �io.z �iu�li? GT!S �he „eto. <br />Section l. E�?st�n; Pr�per<<-. ThL re3? property t�:hich is and shall be held, <br />trans;ei�i•ed, soid, con�•e5-ed and occtipied subject �o this I?ec:laration is loca�ed in <br />t!le �'ll�?�c Or i?JS��'i�lc, C011i?i�' <�i pUrisey, ai1Ci St�i� of liirines�i3, 8riQ 1S <br />I210I'e Da.•ticular'�• d�sci'�btC� 8� f0}10'.°,':. .��� O° BIOC�:S �, �, 3� -''r, u� 6, 7, $, Fi9, <br />y�`c�Si�=,������ :'_lla^i� Pl�t 1� �CC. � 31� t7f ;j:C`<?C�� :'e�l Drpr��--�`- cil�l� �1pre�nnfter be <br />,� � <br />r�•ferr�-;? `o �;; �'�i;_;nT Pr����r��-, �, <br />