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Sec•tioci '?. �lcicliti�ns to I�;�i�tiily I's•��}�� I•�y-. :+dditioual lands may beeome suUjeet to <br />t1�is I)cclai•atioci to th�� follo<<:ii1� i�1�i�li��,i�: <br />a) r'�ciditi��i� in �1eeo�•cl�l������ ��•i'ih a Gc:n��ral Plan of Development. The <br />DeveloE�ci•, it5 5u�c�c>�oi•� an�l a5tii�►i�, 511a11 have t11e i•iEf}�t to Ui�ing within the <br />schem�.� of thi� l�eclai�atioii aci�litional pi•op� i•ty iil ftiture stages cf thc developnient, <br />pz�ovided th�t sucli adclition5 ai•e iri a��corcl��iice «-ith a Genez•al P1an of Developnient <br />attachecj }lE�i•E�to a� I�xliibit 1 arzd rn��.��t� pai•t lici•eof by reference tlle same as if set <br />forth in full a�ic� in d��tail hcz•��in, Unless oth�,r���ise stated therein, suc`.1 General <br />Ylail shall not �ii�d the I�evelo,>� r, it5 �uccessors ancl �3551oI1S� to make the <br />prop��:�ed ��clditioii� oi• to acjl���rc� to the Plan iii arly subsc�que��t devclopzzzent of <br />tlie larid sho�t•n thei•can, <br />�'he ZC�C,�1t10I1S authoz•ized uiider this, and ihe succeeding subsection, sha11 be made <br />b� filin� of i•ecoi•ci a Sttpple?7zentai•y Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions with <br />respect to tlle �3CIC�1t10I171 jJi�opei�ty �vhicli s11a11 cltend the sclleme of the covenants <br />and restri.,tioils of this Declar•��tion to such property. • <br />Such Su�ple�zz�ntary Declaration shall contain such complementary additions and <br />modifications of the covenants and restriciions contained in this Declaration as may <br />be necessary to x•eflect the differ�eizt character, if any, of tlze added properties and <br />as are not inconsistent �vith the scheme of thi s Declaration. In no event, however, <br />sha11 sucli Supplementary Declaration revoke, modif,y or add to ihe covenants <br />established by this Decl�.ration «-ithin the Elisting Property. <br />b) Other �dditiozls. Uporl approval in �vriting of the A�sociai:ion pursuant to <br />a vute of its rriembez•s as provided in its A rticles of Incorporation, the Owner of any � <br />propertv 4vho desires to ac�d�it to the scheme of this Declaration and to subject it � <br />to the jurisdiction of the Association may file of record a Sup�lementary Declaration <br />of covenants and restrictions as in subseciion (a} hereof. <br />c) M�'T•�ers. U�oti a mer�Er• �r• consolid�rtion �f the Association with <br />anoihcr association as prova.ded in iis Art�cles of Lncorporation its �roperties, rights <br />and obligations may, by operation of la�v, be transferred to anoii�er surviving or <br />consalidateci association or alternatively the properties, rights and obligations of <br />another association may, by opei•ation of la�v, be added to the propertie5, rights and <br />. obligations oi the Associa°ion as a survivinb corpor•atior. pursu�nt to a merger. The <br />survivin� or cons�lidated �=�ocia+.ion ma� _ic�:�i�-�i �e r"�;> covenants and restriciions <br />established by thi� Dec'ar���_���; ��:: "� the �. ��ing Yrcperty, :�;ether �,�ith the <br />covenants and z•estr•icti��_ls `�Lab'i:.:��d up� :. any oi�1�r prop���rt�es as one scheme. No <br />such merger or• corisolid�tioiz, 'io �vei•, 5i:a11 effect any revocation, change or <br />� additions to ihe covenaiir5 e�tai�ii:='. � d by th�s Declaration within the Existing Property, <br />eYcept as h�i-�inafter• pz•ovided. <br />1�RTICLE III. �'Ieiizb�r•ship az�cl vo�in� r•i�hts in the Association, <br />Section l. NIemb�rship. Ever� person or entity �vho is a record owner of a fee or <br />undivided iee interest in any Lat �vhich is subject b,y cavenants of record to assessmeni <br />by th� Associaiic.�n, including contx•act �ellers, shall be a member of the Association.. <br />The foregoin� is not itltei�ded to include persons or entities �vho hold an interest <br />merely as seet�T�ity for ttie p�i-foi•z�iance of an obli�ation. No Owner sha11 have <br />' mor•e than oi1e raeinbez•ship. 1lembership sha11 be appurtenan2 to and may not be <br />se�arated from o��rilership of any Lot �4�liich is stibject to assessmec�t by the �sso�iation. <br />' O�vnersnip oi s_ich Lo� st�all be the sole qualification foi� membership. <br />'� Se�tion 2. Vat:ng Rights. Th� ��'est�vood V�lla�e A ss�ciation shal� hve t�vo cla�ses of <br />- votin� i11t z71be 2,� l,ip : <br />� Cla�s �. Cla�s � IT1�2T1bE'?'j shall be all those O���s as defined in Section l, tivith the <br />e�:ceptiort of trz Deveiop�?'. Class � mernbe: s shall Ue entitled to one vote for each lot <br />in �ti�hich they hold the in*e��t��t r•equii�ed Foz• membership by Section 1. When more than <br />onc oerson hold� �uch interes� ir: an�� Lot, all such persons shall be m.�mbers. The <br />voteafor such Lat �halJ. be exe��cisedVas they, amon� themselves, determine, but in <br />no event snall :x�ore �han ��ne vote be ca�t �_; :=h respect to any Lot. <br />-C1ass B. The Det�eloper sha�l be �he sole Class B member. ClasS B members <br />5I13L� �t' �Il�i=i�• i i.J �'O�tS '_� :!-'.� �����St��,'OOC� �'illa�e �SSOC18t10?1. 7��'].P C1aSS <br />J-�- <br />, B membersi?ip �t�al1 cease and tei-mzna:e upon the haopening of. either of the follo�+ring <br />e��eTlt;, ���hicht�ve� first occurs: <br />-�- <br />