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<br />])t'�"�'j��r)r•. i�>i'�':3l'fi 1��� <7'�'.','�1.'i: �1�' i,.I:� 'ti","li�i:tl I}1t jl,'����i'?'it�'ti �lCt'��7�' C'OVtll;.l,[1t5 �i1C�
<br />(,`:1�'tl �)1'�'llt'�t' l�f� :II1�' �,l�l �J1� :1t'i't�()t:�il�'<' i:)f :1 1)t'�°�j t�a�'1'c`tl�I'r :':�I�'t�lC'I' OI' T1l�t lt S�1�111
<br />�jl' ��, f X,4�;'�''�ti�':� II1 ;itl�' tiil�'}1 lll'�'�� ��1' Oio.t.'I' iC)I'I�'�.'ti'1�I1��, �i' C���CITlt'C� il� COVC'Il�l[lt
<br />c1I1Cj :l�.;i'l`�' ti� �%:.�v ::'- ��+�' :�=���)i1:3�lUil: �1} �:3i111U'cii �3:;tiE'_:tiIll�Iltti OI' CII�I'bE'S� ��� 5pc'cial
<br />�:�tit'::titllt'tll:; ���:�1' �:1�?1?:1) 1llli�I'�.��'t'IZI�'ll�ti, St�C�I ����'=�`�[11E`lltj t0 �Jt� fi�cd, establiS�lE'Cj
<br />aP��i c�c�?l��c�t�_�ii f i•�?i�� ? i«��� tr, tir>>�� ��: }�t�r��in.�fir�r ��t�c�trid���i. Th.e ailnual atld special
<br />;otitil':�;iltlt`'.il�.�, l.t>�;l'4[1�':' '.`'lttl :�lll'fl 1:]��� l'� ti� tilE'I't`U11 c?IIC� l'Uj� Of C'O�ICI�lOil t}lE,'I'l'Of c`!S
<br />I���r��iii:aitt�r ��i�����uti��cl, tih��ll :��� cii;l �•r;��cl oil thc l��ncl ancl shall be a continuin� lien
<br />u}�oi� tht� ��ru�>�•i•t�; a�:�in�t ;�,•�lic•h eacll �ucli a_�es:�ineilt i� made. ��aclZ sucti
<br />assc��:;�i�eszt, t�_��;i�tlle�� with such ii�«�i•e:�t there,ail ai.d co�t of collection thereof, as
<br />hci•c�iri���t��i• �i�����i�c����i, �hail al�o b�� th�� pc�i'sOI1�l obli�;atioil of tlit� pez-soti �t�ho �S'as
<br />th� C1���i���r of �tii•l��i ��ro����i•t�� at ilie ilI11C wticri the as:�essnlent fell due. �
<br />St�c.•ti�rY '?. �'Lii•�.7c>�t� �f `��s�'��j�l��lt�. Ttic assessmeiits levied by the Association shall
<br />;� ;;ti�,d c�xrlti:�ivc�ly i:�r th�� pu��p�sc� of proz�iintin� t}1e reereation, health, safety and
<br />welf��i�t� :>f th�� r��siclt��iiti iii ��'��t�ti�ouc3 Villab� aiid in particular for the improvement
<br />and m��i��tenai�re of �r�p�.�rtic5, scrvices and facilities devoted to this purpose and
<br />relat�°d to t}��� ust� and enjo}�i�ie►it of th� Common Properties and oi the homes in
<br />«'est��•oocl �'illa�c, irlcltic�iil�; but I10t LLI711tL'C� t0� the paymeiit of ta:�es, insurance,
<br />re�air, r��placc'T11E'I1t a�icl a��!ditions, and for the cost of labor, enuipm�nt, inaterials,
<br />ci�an���E'IIlE'llt and :�Ui)eI'VISIOtl.
<br />Section 3. B�siS �3I1C� i�I�\1I11UIi1 of !�nnual gssessments, Until�the year beginning �
<br />1971, th�e ailnual assessinent shall be $=�40.00 per I,ot payable as
<br />hereinaftei• pi•ovided. )E�,r•OI11 and after the year� begiilning January 1, 1971, the
<br />��nnual as5��55mt,nt c7�ay be increa�eci by vote of the i�lembers as hereinafter provided
<br />�or tlle next succeeding � yeai's and at the end of such period of 3 years for each
<br />succeedirl; 3 yE,ai•s, thf� F3oai�d of Dii�ectors of tlie Association may, aftei consideration
<br />of current mairit�.�nancc costs and ititure needs of the Assoeiation, fix the actual
<br />assessment foz- any year• i�1 a lesser� ainount, provided, howev�r, that the assessment
<br />for each Lot o�vned by t!��• Developei� containing a�z unoccupied Living Unii shal.l i�e
<br />1/2 of tr�e annual assessment.
<br />5ection -�. Special P.ssessments for Capital Improvements.
<br />In addition to ihe annual assessinents authorized by Section 3 hereof,, the Association
<br />may levy in any assessr.�ient year a special assessment applicable to that year only
<br />for the p�:rpos� of def i•a.ying in whole or in pa L t the co st of any construction �r
<br />reconstruction, unelpectec� re�air or replace...ent, of a described capital irnprovement
<br />upon the COI71TI70I7 Properties, including the n�cessary fi�tures and personal property
<br />related itl�r•eto, pI•�vided that any- asses5rnent shall have the assent of 2/3 of the votes of
<br />each class of ltembers �s�ho are voting i;z person or by proxy at a meeting duly called
<br />for• this ptirpose, �vritten n�t�ce of which shall be sent to all Members at least 30
<br />days in advancc and shall set forth the pur'pose of the meeting.
<br />Section �. Chan�e in Basis and lIa�imum of �iinual Assessments.
<br />Subject to ttie liczzitatiorls of Sectioil 3 hereof, and for the periods therein specified, the
<br />Association iz�ay chanbe the inaxiYnum and basis of t��e as�essments fixed by Section
<br />3 hereof pi�ospectively foi� alzy such period, provided that any such change shall have
<br />the assent of `? �� of t}ze vote of each class of 1�'IembE�rs �vho are wting in person
<br />or by pro�y at a rneeting dul�r called for this purpose, «�ritten notice of ���hic!�
<br />shall be sent to all tiIembei�s at least 30 days in advance and shall set forth the
<br />purpose of the meet?nb, provided fai•ther that the limitations of Section 3 hereof shall
<br />not apply to any change in the maximum and basis of assessments undertaken as an
<br />incident to a iizer•�er or cor��olidation in <<:hicn the �,ssociation is autl�orized to
<br />pa z-tici�ate unde?• i�� � rticles of I�ico r�po.�atioii and unde r A rticle II, Section 2 hereof.
<br />Section 6. Quorum for an�� action �uthorized under Sec�ions � and 5.
<br />The Quorum requ:red for anv acti��n autnvrir.eu by SCCLil711J i and ��"lE'rnpf shall be as
<br />�ollo�t:s: �t the iir�t m�etic�g called, as p�ovidcd in Sections 4 and 5 hereof, ihe
<br />pre�ence at the meeting of 1'Iembers or of proxies en�itled to cast 60�'0 of a_1 the
<br />votes of each class o� membership shall c�n�titute a quorum. If the required quorum
<br />is not iortiZco:.iing at any meetin�, ano`her meet�n� may be ca?led subject to the notice
<br />reqtiiremen�� se, foT�th in Sect:ons = and � and the required quorum �t such subsequent
<br />meeting� sha'1 be 1/? o` t:�e required c�uorum at the precedin� meetinb, provided that
<br />�
<br />