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C� <br />rt� such �ut����nu��ilt ►:���i�tisl�; �h��ll b�� fl�•1�1 iz»i��• tllaii :��� cla�-� follo���ii�� tlic <br />pI'CCl'C�l[li� 2I1C'Ctlllt . <br />SCCtlOi1 1. D�3tl� Of COI11IT1CI]('t'Illt'IlI O? r�i�illl'.11 :�5ti1'�S1Tlt'i1�5: �lll' Dates. 7�{1C' <br />anilual a5�.esscnents pra�-i�led for hei•cin sliall cornii�ecicc on 1.he date (ti:�hich shall be <br />the first day of a IIlOI1tI1� f11c�1 k;�,1 thc Bo��i•d of Dii•cctoi•s of tlzc Assoc�ation to <br />be the date of coTziiilencc:mei�tr �.�i�ovidt�d, tlo�ti�evec•, t�l�lt tllE� aniival �SS�SSI21eTlt <br />for each I.ot o�ti�c�cd by thc� Devclopers subscquent to thF date fi�ed by the Board <br />of Directoi•s of tlle �lssociatioii U�)C'iil ���hicti tlaere is no COIT1�Jleted Livinb Unit <br />shall CO[1�I21CI1C'C� o�� tl�c� fit•:�t da�r of tllc cal�nc!a i• rnolltli stibseqticnt to ttle dat� <br />t�l��, SUC�1 1_.Ot COI1t�lI7S � CUI11��1t'tC(� L1IlOCC'Ll�J1�C� j�1V1117 UI11t tr1C2'E7I1� aild tIiei•�aftei' <br />the annual assc5smcnt for each such I�ot o«�ned by tlle Det-elot�er shall be as <br />provided in Section 3 hereof. <br />"The first azinual assessment shall be made for the balance of the <br />calendar year ancl shall bccome due and payable rateabl.y on the first day of <br />each month coriimencing on the day fi�ed for commencement as hereinbefore <br />provided. The assessments for any yeaz• after the first year shall become due <br />and payable rateably on the first ciay of each I210I1t�i1 of said year. <br />"The amount of annual assessments �vhich may be levi�_d for the balance <br />remaining in the first year of assessment shall be an amount which bears the <br />same relationship to ihe annual assessment provided for in Section 3 hereof as <br />t11e reinaining ntimber of months in the yea r bea r to twelve. The same reduction <br />in the arnount of the assessment and t�e method of coinmencement of assessment <br />shall apply to the first assessment levied against any property which isheieafter <br />added to the properties now subject to assessment at such time other than the <br />beginning of any annual assessment period. <br />Section 8. Duties of The Board of Directors. The Board of Directors of the <br />Associa�ion shall fix the date of cominencement and t�1e amoLint of the assessment <br />against each Lot for eactz assessment period of at least 30 days in adv�nce of <br />such date or period and sllall at that time prepare a roster of the properties and <br />assessments applic:able thereto which shall be kept in the office of the Association <br />and shall be open to inspection by an Owner. Written notice of the assessment <br />shall thereupon be sent to every O�vner subject thereto, � <br />The Association shall upon demand at any time furnis�l to any Owner liable <br />for said assessrnent a certificate in writing signed by an officer of the Association <br />setting forth whether said assessment has been paid. Such certificate shall <br />be conclusive evidence of pa,yment of any assessment iherein stated to have been <br />paid. <br />Section 9. Effect of Non-PGyment of A�sessm�nt: The Personal Obligation of the <br />Owner; The Lien; Reinedies of Association. Lf the assessments are not paid on the <br />date when dtie (b�ing the date specified in Section 7 her�eof) then such assessment <br />shall become delinquent and shall, together �vith such interest thereon and <br />cost of collection thereof, as hereinafter provided, thereupon become a continuing <br />lien on the property �,vhich shall bind such properties in the hands of the ihen <br />Owner, hi� heirs, devisees, personal representatives and assigns. <br />The personal obligation of the then O�vner to pay such assessment, however, <br />shall remain his personal obligation for the statutory period and shall not pass <br />to his succe�sor•s in title unless eYpressly assumed by them. If the assessment <br />is not paid �vithin 30 days after th� delinquency date, the assessment shall <br />bear interest from the date of delinquency at the rate of 6% per annum and the <br />Association may bring ar_ action at la�v a�ainst the O�vner personally obligated <br />to pay the same, or to foreclose the lien against the property, and there shall <br />be added to the amount of such assessment the cost of preparing and filing the <br />complaint in such action; and in the event a judgment is obtained, such jud;ment <br />shall include interest on the assessment as above provided, and a reasonable <br />attoz•ney's fee to be fixed by the Court, together �vith t�ze cost of the action. No <br />O�vner may waive or other«�ise escape liability for the assessments provided for <br />herein by non-use of the Common Properties or abandonmeni of his lot. <br />Section 10. Subordination of Lien to l'Iortgages. The lien of the assessments <br />-5- <br />