<br />i; . .
<br />, , � •� �
<br />• �, .
<br />91
<br />;�20
<br />fih�nce �E to a p�int �n th_� i. 1 in� th.�r�: of a dis r2nc� �f. 70 feet S.
<br />of the �aid NE corner, th�nc�= � alor�g the E. ;�inE thn.rb�f a distar��e .
<br />oi 70 f��.�t to the p�irc- �t b::gt;-r.i�g, subject t:� C:�unty Road � and
<br />Da.1.F �t:��et; and �._l�� ��xc.�-prin.� therefrom the ���� ��wi�.g d���cxibed
<br />tr�.ct: Beginr,ing a" a p�.in� ,��n the S� 1in� ��f ��id S, 2 of SW'�, dis-
<br />tant .168 f�� t�i. o f t h:� ��' �..,� r n� � the.r�� f, th�nca: W. al�ng the S. l ine
<br />of s�id S. � of. �r�� a di�ta.r�c� .�f �1l? 14 f4et, thenc:�� N, at right angles
<br />a disranc� �f 332.5 f�et, th:�rc� iv ,!£�` E, a. distan�� of 176 feet,
<br />th�nc� N, 69' E. a dis�a�!c� ��f 4?6 f.e;.�-, th�nce E, a d.istanee of 207.94
<br />feet, thence S. 52c 14' and 40"' E. a di�tar�cE o:f 464 feet, thence S.
<br />0° 14` and 40" E. a. diG �a��c.-� �� f ��,%2 ,[:?: �t� the p�int of be�inning,
<br />subj ect to C�ounty R.��.d �"� .: �
<br />All of Willmus Estat�s P:l�.� i�I�. �r.e, �x.c�pL ���� b, 7, 8, 9&. 10, in
<br />B lack 1, a. c�c . ��
<br />(F�r f.urther term� and c�ndit ��ns � jr�� r�c�rd� e
<br />MortQa�e ReQistratior 'T3.�. �f_ 58�5 �c paid.
<br />j`� �ubdivisi:�n Plat
<br />jj �hY- Pck' d Dec.. 30, 1.966
<br />ji Pan-C�n, inc. , a N�inr.�-_�at:a. Filed Ma.rc:h 9, ?..967
<br />�; � Gorp,.rati�n, by Vice -pre� . "81" T'�wn P.'_��.s :17
<br />�
<br />!; and �ec.. -7reas. �F,=c 7WT"r�; ) Kn�iginal and r.,.py
<br />;; and �?�.nkers Mortgag� C�:rp �r�. Fi�e ��1694798
<br />�� ti�n, a Minr.esota C�, p���.r i�r., Subdivisi�n � f., '�he S. 15 Acres
<br />�?
<br />J, by PrFs . and Tr��.s � f. the NE1� �f the SW� of Sec. 1,
<br />'r 29 � R, 2:3 , R.artts2y County �
<br />;; 1 •
<br />;' Nlinne so ta , e�cep t the �' .�16 5 fe � t, and except the W 323 . 8 fee t,
<br />li subject to Western Av�_ :I_�t= ?, ?, 3, 4 ar,d that part �f Lots 5 and 7
<br />�� lying N` ly of the fo:ll�wi^� d�sc�.ib�=d line: b�ginnir,g at a point �n
<br />�� the �. lin� �f s�id �lo� 5, dis�a�t 9Q f�Pt W. �f the NE corner of said
<br />!� L�t 5, ther.cp SW'ly t� th-� n,�;t w':�y c�rner of s�id Lot 7 and th�re
<br />�� termi�lating, B1ock 1, �dii�'.mus E�tate� Pl.at N�. 1.
<br />i The E. �0 fQ�t �f th:: U. i0? f:: ,t �f th� SW4 of th� SW4 of Sec. 1,
<br />� T . ?� � . 23
<br />" The �� 4 � f the SW� �� f�-�c :, T. �9 , R. 2? �xc�=pt that porti�n thereof
<br />,
<br />, pla.tted a� [1i11mus Est��r.��= Plat N�. 1�nd r. pt that portion thereof
<br />; lYlT1� S' ly of tht� f�? a,��� ir.b dz��c.rib�d line: Beginning at a point on the
<br />" We line of the SE� �-f Ch�- St�l;, �f �aid Section 1., distant 503 feet S. of
<br />the NW cor�:er there�f, rh:�-�c�-� �. at right angles a. distance af 208 feet,
<br />th�-�,c�=- �F' lv hv a c�� {�� ,c- r; ,� a�,7�F� ,f 3? � t� th=� ri�ht a distance of
<br />20b t�et, thenc� 5F' .:y hv a d�_ t� �c�i;�n �.n�l�: �f 21 ' S5' to the right a
<br />distanc.e �i �!�4 , t7 �� � t. rfl�_ ;,c, ^,� ly by a dcflecti��� angle of 74° 39°
<br />�+S'' Co '_-h� ? e ft � di � L�,r.c� �� f 100 F�c� t, thence E' 1 y by a de flection angle
<br />of ?1 to ttze ri�ht a cii�tar�c �t 207.94 feet, th�:r.c.� �E`ly by a deflec-
<br />ti��z ���1�1� of 37 '�5' ?U" 1_�, the �-ight a dist�:ncF of �119 feet to a point
<br />;�n thr� i:'ly line a£ R'.���1: ,, ��Il��IIlUS E�t�.���� Plat !V�. l and there ter-
<br />' iIll!:.3C1'.Zkj, Sahjr�ct C.� an =a� �m�nt f�r I��r.a Lane c��,��r the N`�.y 33 feet
<br />of th�= W'ly 323.8 teet �f �-;� ��f �t��4 0� ��.id S.=cri�r. 1, have caused the
<br />sam� to b� �urv�ypd and p t,� :- tt-�� a^.d h�re�. fter l:r,nwn as
<br />We� tc�rn Hil ls i�:, , 3 ��� �h �t,�n h�� this pl�� t, ac�d hE=rebv dedicate to th�
<br />pub�lic and fc�r p.�b:lic �_i�P f�;�vF-r a11 �rr.�ets, av�nu��s, drives, lanes,
<br />and ea�:=ment� as sh�L��n h:�r �n. � V �.
<br />,� �
<br />-------------� f__,-__/�-- r�� ���( f•�
<br />Certifv t� having �u►.•�,�;=���_d th� prop?rty d�scrib�d on this plat as Westexn
<br />Hi11� ti�. 3 and hG.-_ pi�;r:_d ir.:n m�numents or. the c�rners shown and the
<br />�ame i� c,�rr�:ct, ;h�r�� i� ��� _,t� c.�f�t ground n�r any traveled road or
<br />e�stmt:�t� �n �r r�cr��� ��;m�_ �;�c.F�pt n� �hown
<br />(�i�r.�d) Char'te� r� Gt���r�� . Q•_�i�t`r�d Land S�arveyor.
<br />�ck'd S�pt. ?2, 1966
<br />F'�ird �1�x-ch 9, �967
<br />''�?" I'�wi, Pl�r= 17,�Yiginal & C�py
<br />1'il � - � 694798
<br />