, .
<br />i ; . •, .
<br />. ;; •
<br />' i� • . . • . -
<br />92
<br />�3
<br />94
<br />�� 21
<br />;Ar.cep�_�.::1 and appr�vpd by the Village Council �.f the �li.l:lag� of
<br />j R.�s� vill.e on �Ju:1y 18, 1.966.
<br />�� �Si�-�Ed� Ee F� Cpdarhr�lm, May,3r, Attest; R. GJ� `T�urn?.�and, Glerk�
<br />Fi.1Fd M,�r_ch 9, �.967
<br />j"8 la' T�� n P l.a ��;s �!. 7,
<br />�Origina�. and C,�py
<br />, Fil� ��1694�98
<br />i
<br />Acc�pted ar,d approved F�b. 15, 1967.
<br />(Signed) Clarence Smith, [�alter ,J. Br�mer, �r�ge Beckett, P1at
<br />Goznmissi�n, R�ber* F. Peterson, Commission�r o.f PuL�1.ic
<br />W,�'rks .
<br />Fil.ed March 9 , 1967
<br />"�il�� Town P1.ats 1.7
<br />Original and C�py
<br />Fi1e ��1694798
<br />ji Ran-C;�n, I.nc • S a Minnesota C�x � Agreement
<br />�i pc.�rati�n, b_y Executive Vi.ce Dated Jan. 16, .1967
<br />�i Pre�id�nt and Se�retary, own��. Fi�ed.March 14, 1.967
<br />1� and Ba.nkers Mortgage Gc�.rp�rati�n; Rook page
<br />�# by Pr?s:ident, Mortgagee, cf, File ��1695054
<br />�� al1 io t� in Wes tern Hi:l:�.s N� . 3 Hereby set out the fol.l�wing
<br />i!
<br />�` restrictions, �as�ments and
<br />�; coven.3.nts which sh�.11 run wir.h the ab�ve described la?�d and to bind
<br />;�the paT:ties heret�, their success�rs and assigns, all subs�quent pur-
<br />;; chasers, and their heixs, ex�cutors, administrat�r� and assignG, to-wit:
<br />;; 1. Nc� dwelling other than single family dwelling sha11 be p�rmitted on
<br />�; any 1�� at a cc�st of �ess th�n $12,Q00.00 based upon cost levels pre-
<br />�� vailir.� on the datQ thesp covenants are recorded, it bein� the in�ention
<br />; and purpose of the coven.anr t•� assure that all d��ellings sha11 be of a
<br />�:� qualir._y �f �e�rlananship and mat�rials subst�ntial.ly the sam� or b�etter
<br />'� than tha t which can b� produced on the date th�se covenar.ts are recorded
<br />' at rfz� minimum c��st stated her��in for the minim�sm per.mitted dwelling
<br />'� s ize � The grounG F].00r arr�. � f the ma in s truc tu�-e , exclus ive a f one -
<br />� st�ry open porches anc? g�rages, sha11 be not Iess than 960 square feet
<br />for a�n�-story d�ve11i�1g, r.o.r I�ss than 768 squarF fLet i�r a dwelling
<br />o f mo r.e than one s rory .
<br />2. l�l No bttilding shall. l�e l�e��ted on anv lot nEarer to the front JL�t
<br />' 1.inc ��r Rearer to th� � id= titT�:�tr line l-.han the minimum building seCba�k
<br />' lines S�10WR on the recorded plat . In �ny event no building shall be
<br />' located on any lnt nearf�i: than 30 Feet �to the front lot line, or nearer
<br />than 1.0 feet to any �ide strePt line e�:c�pt that on a11 �ots abt�tting
<br />�ide streets, coll.ect:�t- a.nd :�rterial �tre�ts, no building shall be
<br />locatraci nearer than 30 fset znd %5 feet respective]y t� the str�et
<br />'' propt_rty l �ne� of said �tr��F_.t�.
<br />(b) No building shal.l be :l�c��.ted near�r than 5�eet to an interior 1ot
<br />line, exr.ept that no side yard shall be required for a garage,bx other
<br />��rmitt�.�d accessory huilding l.oc�ted on any ir� rior 1�t ne�r�r than
<br />1.0 fc�et to the r�a,r lo+_ � ir.e .
<br />(c) Fur tYle �urpos�s oF t.his c�venant, eaves, steps, and open porches
<br />sha11 n�t be considered ��s a part c�F a building, provided, however,
<br />th�t this �h��ll not be c��nstrued t;� permit �ny p�rtion �f a building
<br />on �n�� 1�t ro encroach up��n a►�o�her lot.
<br />3. N:? animals, livesrock, <�r po�.Fltry of any kind sh�ll bA raised,
<br />hred -�r Icept an anv �.r�t, exc��pt th�t d�gs, cats or othE:r household
<br />pet� may be l�ept pr.��vided that they are izot kepl, dred, �r maintained
<br />for ar.v commerc ial purpo�e .
<br />4. Ea�ements for ins�-a1.lation and ,�aint�=nance of utilities and drainage
<br />f�c il.it ies are r.E ��rv�d ��� �,h�-�.�n �n the rec:ord�d plat �nd over the r�ar
<br />(nV�?i)
<br />