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�' <br />� <br />Case t�io. 514-69 (Continued) <br />� <br />civen as to the ultimate location of this sic�n inasmuch as the sign would <br />be located within tf�e right-of-way when the right-of-way is moved 16 1/2 <br />feet to the west. <br />5. Anether v�ariance is requested for the sign ��n top of the canopy which would <br />ordinarily be required to be 30 feet back fi•om the propeirty line. This sign, <br />from the drawings, would appear to be 35 �Feet from the �existing right-of-way <br />and approximately 19 feet from�the new right-of way thus, with resper.t to <br />sign locations no variances would be required from exi$ting right-of-way <br />but neither of the sigrs would conform to the regulations with respect to fihe <br />proposed right-of-way. <br />6. Another question is thqt of parking requirements. Applying the parking formula <br />stated in the ordinance to the retail space proposed, would require 42 parking <br />spaces overall. We suggest, h�w�ver, that when retail space is combined <br />with a service station as is the case here, 42 parking sp�aces are not necessary. <br />This is obviously true, inasmuch as a great dea) of the r���fiail sales are made <br />from persons w{iose cars are being serviced with gasol ine,�� The appl icant <br />estii �tes thafi 60°l0 of their sales are made on such a basis. The appl�cant <br />rurther notes that 30% of their business comes from customers who get gas <br />and then park in an c,�f-street parking space to do further retail shopping. <br />Ten percent of the business c�mes from persons utilizing the parking spaces <br />only without purchasing gas��line. Our experience in oth�r service stations <br />o� this general fiype indicate that these percentages are prabably correct. <br />In general, we suggest tha� the 30 parking spaces proposed, in addition to <br />the 8 spaces available at the pump islands c�re more than adequate for this <br />size retail operation propo5ed. <br />7. Perhaps the most serious problems with respect to this proposal are thase of the <br />handling of the right-of-way and the signs. In general, the Village has been <br />very consistent i n t�i'e past i n enfor�i ngthe sign c�rdim nces throughout the Vil lage. <br />In ger�eral, this requires that all signs be setback 30 feet from the right-of-way <br />with th� exception of service stations which are allowe+� to have a single <br />64 square faat pedestal sign within 6 feet of the right-of-way, <br />, <br />U <br />C <br />