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Case No. 6�-88 <br />Petitioner: <br />LocBtion: <br />�� <br />Wallac� N. and DeJ_or�s WeWers and <br />Willi€�m J. anai Irene L. WeWers <br />0 <br />Jan�z�ry 3, �962 <br />North of Minnes�t�. Avenue and West of Rice <br />Sf;reet i see sketch ) <br />Action Req�ested.: R�zoning of pr�per�t�r from "R-I" to "R-�" end "��-1" �o <br />"B-3" as in�icatecl on �;he sketch. <br />Pl�nning Consid�rations <br />1. The properfiy in questibn consi�t� of Lots 30 th.x ou�h L,-0 (p.roposed ta be <br />zoned to multi.p]_e awe].ltn�;) and La'�s 9 thro�.gh 19 (�roposed to be zoned <br />to "B-3" or "B-2" ). Tl»�e lo�ts are a p�rt ol "J'oy's F,ice Street Additi�n" <br />whicY� 3.s an old plat with 25' lots s ront�.n , on Rice Street, A.lbemarle <br />Street and Wocxlridg� S�reet, etc . The lo�ts are 13� e c_eep wh�ch ia not a <br />desirable lot size �or c�mmerci�l developmen�� anc� cer��ainly mi.nimum for <br />muLti�le res3.d�ntial devel�pmen� . �he total plat � lots in q���st�.on )_ is . <br />not a�ood land and ev�n if used i'�r s:ingle iam:ily residence it <br />$ �u d e replatted. Y'ou drill note uron e�mi.nation ��f the site tha� <br />t� grid-iron p an takes no cognizance of th� terrain 4T�1�CY1 could be a <br />considerabl� asset if the plan were properly platted. <br />2. The propoQal in quet�tion .ts for a utrip development of., 135 ° <br />depth on Rice Stre�t baGked with a u�u? -Liple development f�cing A.lbem�rle <br />Str��t to the wes�. lt s?zou].d �e zss�a�ned, of course, thmt if this rezoning <br />were to be accompli�h�d tYiz�t rcquest � fox° additional. rezoning would. follow <br />both north a.nd south of the proPerty invc�lv�d � <br />3. Thus, the basic question is whether ar not the rezoning as reque€�ted forms <br />the desirabl� p��t�ern for the subse�uent rezonings �o fo11 ow Wnd wY��ther this <br />overs:ll pattexn is in fac�; desirable at all. <br />�. As y�u know, the ini�3.a1 �omprehensive P1an for �h� Village of �ose�rille <br />cont.emplated sin{�l� family resid�ntia.l �.evelopment alon� �he west side of <br />Rice Street. Ro�eville has some �oocl sinQ]_e family residential development <br />along the west side of Ricp Stree�l;, but much of the �ast side haa been <br />�radua.11y converted to a apo�ty str�p d�vclopment of cot�nercial enterp.rises. <br />At the time of tn� i9;9 r�zonin� of the V�llage the basic policy with <br />respeci: to Rice Stree�t wa� discussed at considerable ]_ength. It was decided <br />to attemnt to re�train the ultimat� development of Ri�e StrPet from <br />becoming a sporadic strip deve?.opmen� oF comrnercial similar to what has started <br />on t�ie e�st side . <br />5. �t is possible �o develop <br />it would be nece�eary to <br />to not have single Family <br />possibil.ity is �-,o u�ilize <br />multiple development as <br />of the shopping center to <br />sir:gl� far.�ily resi3ential a�.ong Rice Street thou�h <br />rep �a� som� area�s such as the one in question so aa <br />ho�nas fronting on �lc� Street itself . Arr�other <br />aome por ns o tfie frontage on Rice Street for <br />was shown in the inii.ial rezoning in 1959 in the �rea <br />the north. <br />